Research data management training
The Library’s Scholarly Communications Team provides a range of training for University staff and students.

On this page you will find details of training sessions and videos on research data management. For training sessions and resources on open research, open access and copyright, see the open research training page. You can also find further training opportunities on the University’s Open Research Training Portal.
Training for postgraduates and staff
The Library’s Scholarly Communications Team provides a range of online and in-person training sessions on research data management for staff and postgraduate research students.
Click on the links below to view details and book.
Training sessions for postgraduate students
- Research data management and writing a DMP (in person)
- Research data management and writing a DMP (online)
Training sessions for staff
- Research data management for supervisors (in person)
- Research data management for supervisors (online)
- Research data management for all staff
Training sessions for staff and postgraduate students
- How to manage your ‘sensitive’ research data
- Qualitative data training
- Take time out to write your DMP
- Making research data FAIR
We can also provide tailored presentations and workshops for faculties, departments and research groups, as well as one-to-one advice sessions.
If you would like to arrange a training session, or if you have specific questions and would like to book a one-to-one advice session, contact the research data management team.
For training sessions on open research, open access and copyright, see the open research training page.
Research data management: introductory videos
Find links below to short introductory videos on research data management and DMPonline:
- Research data management: the basics
- Data security, storage and organisation
- Archiving, preserving and sharing data
- Data sharing and the ORDA repository
- Introduction to DMPonline
- University of Sheffield repositories (WRRO and ORDA)
- Creative Commons licences
How to Share... seminar series
Our How to Share.. series contains short, bitesize seminars that look at how best to share different research data types to help you make your research outputs more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and open.
For further information, contact