Dr Kristian Roncero
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Research Associate

Full contact details
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
I started my journey of fascination for linguistics quite early on. I was brought up in a bilingual community and I fell in love with Russian Literature and Classical Greek and Latin at High School. I studied Translation & Interpreting at the University of the Basque Country, where I also spent a year at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and another academic year at the Moscow State University (Russia). I then pursued to study Belarusian Philology at the Brest State University (Belarus).
Not entirely sure if I wanted to pursue a career in diplomacy or interpreting I enrolled and completed my first MA in Applied Linguistics at the University of León (Spain) and my second MA in Linguistics between the University of the Basque Country and Paris-IV Sorbonne.
I then got a studentship to do my PhD at the University of Surrey, where under the supervision of Mathhew Baerman and Greville Corbett completed my dissertation that combined morphosyntactic typology and fieldwork on West Polesian varieties in Belarus (East Slavic).
After graduation, I was awarded an ELDP Fellowship to conduct research and document Chamalal, an endangered language of the Caucasus (Nakh-Dagestanian, Russia), for which I have been based between the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (Germany).
I have recently joined the School of Languages and Cultures to work on morphological overabundance and defectivity in Slavic on the Feast & Famine project.
Having spent many years in Eastern Europe, I am a big fan of Russian sauna. The days I feel more Basque, instead, you may see me hiking mountains or fleeing to the seaside.
- Qualifications
-PhD in Linguistics (University of Surrey)
-MA in Linguistics (University of the Basque Country & Paris IV-Sorbonne)
-MA in Applied Linguistics (University of León)
-Belarusian Philology (Brest State University, A. S. Pushkin)
-BA in Translation & Interpreting (University of the Basque Country)
- Research interests
-East Slavic, especially West Polesian
-Morphological typology
-Language description and documentation
- Teaching activities
Dialekte des Russischen (WS2020-180897RusDial). Department of Caucasian and Slavic languages, FSU (Jena, Germany).
MDL118 - Russian and Czech Cultures in the Age of Empire and Beyond
HSS253 - The Hispanic Languages: Structure and Use
MDL619 / 621b - Topics in Modern languages and cultures (MA)
PhD students:Zihan Chen
- Professional activities and memberships
-Responsible for Outreach and Science Communication of the Feast and Famine Project.
-Currently co-supervising PhD student Zihan Chen.
- Publications
Roncero, K. (2022). A very unpredictable ‘person’: A corpus-based approach to suppletion in West Polesian. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 26(1), 116-138.
Open Access DOI BibTeX Endnote DownloadsRoncero, K. (2021). Gakvarian Chamalal (Dagestan and Chechnya) - language snapshot. Language Documentation and Description, 20, 64-74.
Open Access BibTeX Endnote DownloadsRoncero, K. (2021). Revisiting numeral phrases in East Slavic: Insights from West Polesian. The Slavonic and East European Review, 99(4), 601-646.
Roncero, K. (2019-ongoing). An audiovisual corpus of Chamalal, a language of Dagestan. Preservica/ELAR. Available at: https://elar.soas.ac.uk/Collection/MPI1234834
Open AccessRoncero, K. [In Press]. Gakvarian Chamalal: a brief grammar sketch. In: KORYAKOV, Y. & MAISAK, T. The Caucasian Languages. An International Handbook (vol. II). De Gruyter Mouton (HSK Series).
Roncero, K. (2019). A Typological Approach to West Polesian Morphology and Syntax. University of Surrey, FASS [PhD Thesis]. DOI: 10.15126/thesis.00851715
Open AccessRoncero, K. (2016). Working paper on the vocative in West Polesian. In: GUSAKOV, V. G., ed. Problemy racional´nogo ispol´zovanija prirodnyx resursov i ustoičivoe razvitie Poles´ja (vol. II), pp. 672-676.
Calderón, J. R., Marlett, S., Morales, N., Roncero, K., Tomé-Catalán, B. (2014). Un viaje en cayuco: Fonología del fa d'Ambö. In Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session, Vol. 54 (2014)
Open AccessCommunity outcomes and social media
Discover Chamalal
(Blog) https://discoverchamalal.wordpress.com/
(YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjyandRq5fc8_b9nI7U5gw
(Twitter/Instagram) #DiscoverChamalalWest Polesian Fieldwork
(Blog) https://westpolesian.wordpress.com/
(YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxP9ybNZCmwBIATLycm8Cg
(Twitter) #WestPolesianOther
RONCERO, K (2020). Fieldwork Session Planner (v.2). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3835660