Dr Harsh Trivedi

BA (Delhi), MA (JNU, Sheffield, Perpignan, Bergamo), PhD (Sheffield)

School of Languages, Arts and Societies

Teaching Associate

Harsh Trivedi
Profile picture of Harsh Trivedi

Full contact details

Dr Harsh Trivedi
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA

I undertook PhD in 19th Century French Literature at the University of Sheffield as recipient of Doctoral Academy Scholarship for academic excellence. My doctoral thesis focuses on the works of French novelist Honoré de Balzac. 

I was also recipient of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship award (conferred by the European Commission) to undertake Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters program (EMJM) in three countries following which I was awarded the following MA degrees with distinction:

-Master of Arts, Crossways in Cultural Narratives (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

-Master Arts, Lettres, et Langues, Mention Arts, Lettres, et Civilisations, Parcours type Études Anglophones (University of Perpignan, France)

-La Laurea Magistrale in Culture Moderne Comparate (con lode), (University of Bergamo, Italy)

I have also done MA in French and Francophone Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, (New Delhi, India) and hold BA (Hons.) French Studies (University Gold Medallist) from the University of Delhi (India). 

Research interests

My primary research interest is the 19th century realist novel, with a special focus on the works of Balzac. In my doctoral research, I have explored ‘fictive works’ (works created by Balzac’s characters) that inhabit the narrative levels of La Comédie humaine with the aim of studying the interrelations between their narrative functions and their thematic content. My doctoral thesis was the first systemic study of the phenomenon of fictive works in La Comédie humaine and discloses several important functions carried out by the fictive works. With my doctoral research, I have contributed to the advancement of new perspectives in Balzac studies that have emerged in the last decade and that challenge the rigid and at times reductionist discourses established over the second half of the Twentieth century pertaining to the idea of ‘unity’ in the works of Balzac, and to a re-examination of ‘realisms’ in 19th century European literature.

I am also interested in exploring contemporary French literature, especially in studying Capitalist realism and problems of representation in the works of Michel Houellebecq. 

My other research interests include modern and contemporary Indian literature (English, Hindi), especially postcolonial Indian literature. 

I am translating the works of Honoré de Balzac from French to Hindi with the aim of eventually making the entirety of Balzac’s La Comédie humaine accessible to Hindi readers. 

I am also interested in creative writing and have published a political fiction novel titled Against Ambedkar, Against the World (Leadstart Publications, Mumbai, 2016) and am currently working on my second novel.

Teaching activities
  • School of Languages and Cultures (University of Sheffield):


MDL 107 : Understanding Modern France

MDL 110 : An Introduction to French History

MDL 115 : Intersections: Text, Image, Thought in the French-speaking world

MDL 321 : Introduction to European Cinema


MDL 6048/6049 : MA Translation Studies (French Translation Tutor)

  • Modern Languages Teaching Centre (University of Sheffield)

MLT 101: French Beginner 

MLT 102: French Beginner 2

MLT 152: French Post-beginner

  • Sheffield Hallam University:

ULS French Stage 2

ULS French Stage 4