Validation and assessment

This page contains answers to a number of frequently asked questions regarding specific guidance around validation and assessment.


Is there an exam or coursework?

Assessment varies from module to module, but is typically made up of a speaking assignment or exam toward the end of the teaching period, and a final written exam during the University's examination period. An outline of the assessment structure for your module may be found on the relevant course information page.

Depending on the validation or recognition scheme under which you take your course, you may have to take some or all of the assessment components, as explain in the next section below.

Please note that you can still take all assessment components even if they are not mandatory for you. If you are not taking the course for credits, the MLTC will ask you during the semester whether you want to take the optional components in addition, if applicable, to the compulsory ones.

What are the validation and recognition options for my course?

The completion of an MLTC course can be validated in different ways depending on who you are and how much you achieve. The table below summarizes the different schemes and the minimum validation criteria to be met.

SchemeAvailable toAttendance (70% minimum)CourseworkOral Assignment / ExamWritten Exam
Modularised AccreditationCredited UGs & PGsNoNo / OptionalYesYes
Doctoral Development Programme
Research Training Programme
PhD studentsYesYesYesNo / Optional

Higher Education Achievement Report (Student login required)

(For students whose initial registration was for, or prior to, the session 2020-21)

Non-credited UGsYesYesYesNo  / Optional
Languages for All fee-waiver (Continuation criteria)
(PDF, 400KB)
Eligible non-credited UGsYesYesYesNo  / Optional
MLTC Confirmation of CompletionAll learnersYesNo / OptionalYesYes
MLTC Confirmation of AttendanceAll learnersYesNo / OptionalNo  / OptionalNo  / Optional

Please note that students who have been granted fee waivers under the Languages for All programme of the Doctoral Development Programme must meet the above requirements in order to remain eligible for future fee waivers.

What are the penalties for late submission of an assignment?

In the absence of a valid reason approved by the department, late submission of an assessed piece of work will result in a deduction of 5% of the total mark awarded for each working day after the submission date as per the table below. Beyond 5 working days after the submission date, a mark of zero will be awarded for the work to be submitted:

Late submission penalties

Day lateMark reduced by 5% (multiply by number below)Example reductions (original mark of 60)
10.9560 > 57
20.960 > 54
30.8560 > 51
40.860 > 48
50.7560 > 45

Working days includes working days within standard vacation times. For example, if a submission date falls on the last day before the start of the Easter vacation, penalties would start to be applied from the following working day and not from the first day following the vacation. For more information, see the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Regulations (PDF, 31 KB).

How and when should I apply for self-certification or extenuating circumstances?

You should apply for self-certification or extenuating circumstances with the MLTC if

  • attendance is part of the requirements for your course (eg DDP or LfA-fee-waiver students) and your attendance fell below 70% as a result of justified absences;
  • a piece of assessment is part of the requirements for your course and you had a valid, medical or other reason for missing an examination or not submitting a piece of summative assignment on time

You should apply for the above by

  • the end of Week 12 of the semester for attendance issues and assessment work done during the teaching period
  • the end of the University examination period for missed examinations taking place during that period.

Further information on extenuating circumstances (Student login required)

Please note:

  • Only submissions for extenuating circumstances which are appropriately supported by evidence (eg doctor's note) will be considered.
  • If you are submitting your extenuating circumstances form to your home department then please ensure you copy MLTC in your communication, or that it is submitted directly to MLTC, for us to make a decision for the 'MLT' module(s).
  • Your submission will be treated in confidence by the MLTC Special Circumstances Board.
  • Retrospective extension requests for pieces of work will not be considered by the MLTC Special Circumstances Board. Requests must be made in advance of deadlines provided and supported by the submission of appropriate evidence.
Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee.

Applications are open for existing offer holders for programmes starting in autumn 2025.