Mohammad Rajjaque

Mohammad Rajjaque is a Senior University Teacher in Finance and Director of Student Experience at the Sheffield University Management School. He is also the Chair of the Staff Race Equality Network at the University of Sheffield.

Mohammad Rajjaque.

Mohammad Rajjaque is part of the Self Assessment Team and was a facilitator for the Race Equality Charter staff focus groups which focused on building on the findings of the survey to learn more about the staff experience.

The Self Assessment Team includes staff involved in the Race Equality Charter bronze award application and other key representatives from across the University, including academic, research and support staff and representatives from minority ethnic networks. It contributes to discussions around the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students, supports the implementation of the comprehensive action plan and contributes to high-level decision-making about the application

'Achieving racial equality in its true form for all of humanity is a mammoth task. But like any such task that humanity has faced, we need to take the first steps and join our hands together. 

We are up against ancient biases, rituals, beliefs, stereotypes and vested interests - things that are difficult to challenge individually. 

We hope that the Staff Race Equality Network* work along with the Race Equality Charter will start the discussion and help our colleagues and the wider community identify such innate behaviours that perpetuate racial biases at an individual and systemic level. 

At the University of Sheffield, we hope that our work will bring these social issues into focus and help our staff members transform their thoughts and intentions into action for themselves and for the people around them. This exercise will also help us understand where we stand in terms of our efforts to achieve racial equality and set a direction for ourselves for the future.'

*staff login required

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