Module choices from year one all the way to year three was unmatched by any other university I looked at.

History student ambassador Eleanor Sollis
Eleanor Sollis
Second year undergraduate student
BA History and Politics
Find out why Eleanor wholeheartedly recommends Sheffield to friends.

Yes, Sheffield has fulfilled my expectations. The course has been interesting and hard work, and the social element of the university has been really amazing.

Eleanor Sollis

BA History and Politics

Why did you choose to study at Sheffield?

Module choices from year one all the way to year three was unmatched by any other university I looked at. Loved the location of the university campus, right in the heart of the city but the building were still relatively close. I also loved on the open day and offer holder day they way Sheffield catered to dual honour students again which wasn't done by other universities and showed me dual honours were common in Sheffield and that they were better managed.

Has your experience so far been what you expected?

Yes, Sheffield has fulfilled my expectations. The course has been interesting and hard work, and the social element of the university has been really amazing. Really love the set up of Endcliffe.

What do you particularly enjoy about your degree programme?

Range and choice of modules, especially when all the topics are so interesting.

What modules are you studying this year? Are there any modules that you have particularly enjoyed during your degree so far and why?

Loved political western thought this semester, great to add and go deeper on something you have already studied at school. I also really liked paths in first semester because it was so broad and such a good module to start university study.

If you have taken a year abroad (either as part of a language degree or the study abroad scheme), what do you feel this has added to your degree?

As I have just finished first year I haven't taken a year abroad but I really want to apply next year and I think it's such a good addition to a 3 year course.

If you're a dual student, what do you enjoy about doing a dual degree?

The range of modules and flexibility with core module (no banded system), which allows me to really focus on topics and historical periods I most enjoy.

What do you like about the University/living in Sheffield?

Great location in the centre of the city. Sheffield itself is very central in the north so makes it perfect for visiting friends and family.

Would you recommend studying at Sheffield to a friend?

Yes 100%.

A smiling Sheffield student holding a sign that says "I'm here to help" at an undergraduate open day

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