I like the range of study spaces on campus as there are a wide variety to choose from.

History ambassador Amelia Percy
Amelia Percy
Final year undergraduate student
BA History
Amelia appreciates the diverse modules, vibrant social scene, and ample study spaces in Sheffield.
History ambassador Amelia Percy

For my Holy Russia module this year we completed a group poster project which I really enjoyed as it provided a different approach to learning about different groups in the Soviet era.

Amelia Percy

BA History

Why did you choose to study at Sheffield?

I visited Sheffield with my family before making my decision and I fell in love with the city. I loved how close it was to the Peak District and I felt so comfortable exploring the campus grounds that I decided to study at Sheffield.

Has your experience so far been what you expected?

Honestly, my experience has been better than I expected. I really enjoy my course and the really broad choice of modules on offer from all different periods of history that I had never had an opportunity to study prior to university. I have also really enjoyed the social aspect in Sheffield as I have found that there really is a society for everything and they are all really welcoming!

What do you particularly enjoy about your degree programme?

I have really enjoyed my seminars, particularly this year, as we have studied even more specific aspects of history which leads to really interesting discussions in seminars. For example, for my Holy Russia module this year we completed a group poster project which I really enjoyed as it provided a different approach to learning about different groups in the Soviet era.

What modules are you studying this year? Are there any modules that you have particularly enjoyed during your degree so far and why?

This year I studied Europe in the 11th Century, A Protestant Nation, Religion in an Age of Terror and Holy Russia as well as the core history modules. This year allowed me to study a broad range of time periods which I have really enjoyed. However, I have particularly enjoyed my Religion in an Age of Terror module which studies the origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict as well as religiously justified violence in the modern era. This module was very interesting as it gave me a new insight into the justifications of violence through religious scripture and the conflict over Palestine which I knew little about.

What do you like about the University/living in Sheffield?

I like the range of study spaces on campus as there are a wide variety to choose from. The social aspect that comes with living in Sheffield is also good as there are a vast amount of good restaurants, bars and pubs to choose from.

Would you recommend studying at Sheffield to a friend?


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