Philosophy Research Seminar


The Philosophy Research Seminar (formerly known as The Department Seminar) is central to the academic life of the School of History, Philosophy, and Digital Humanities. The seminar runs most weeks in term time.

The Philosophy Research Seminar takes place on Friday afternoons through the Autumn and Spring terms (2:30-4:30 pm) in Broad Lane, Lecture Theatre 4

Speakers present their paper (sometime shared in advance) for 45 minutes, followed by a short break and discussion.

For more information, please, contact:

Jerry Viera - or Ed Matthews - 

All are welcome!

Upcoming events

Spring 2025

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
21st FebruarySophie Grace Chappell - The Open UniversityThe shield of Achilles and the marvellous sophist’s mirror
28th FebruaryHelen Frowe - Stockholm University

‘The New Bigamy?

Systematically Deceptive Relationships and the Law’

7th MarchJessie Munton - University of CambridgeForgetting to some purpose
14th MarchNicholas Shea - University of London'Not just tools, but agents: an overlooked requirement for agentive AI' - Hang Seng Centre for Cognitive Studies' Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science
21st MarchChris Bennett - University of SheffieldReparations for Historical Injustice: The Role of Apology
28th MarchJulia Borcherding - University of Cambridge Towards a History of Philosophy? Early Modern Women Philosophers and the Canon: A Case Study (change of room, please check the event page)
4th AprilJessica Begon - Durham UniversityDon’t Worry About Me: Paternalism, Authority, and Relationships
23rd MayDana Nelkin - University of California, San DiegoDesert and Liability
16th MayAdam Hosein - Northeastern UniversityReligious Freedom, Social Status, and Fairness: Why Power and Privilege Matter When Assessing Religious Accommodations

Past events

Autumn 2024
DateSpeakerTitle of paper
11th OctoberMonima Chadha - University of Oxford


'Rethinking Responsibility'

18th OctoberAlison Stone - Lancaster University'Frances Power Cobbe and Animal Ethics'
25th OctoberLaurenz Casser - University of Sheffield'The Mismeasure of Pain' 
1st NovemberÉlaina Gauthier-Mamaril - University of SheffieldSPECIAL LECTURE - THE PHILOSOPHY OF DISABILITY AND DIFFERENCE - 'Cripistemologies of Chronicity: A "coalition of the 'left-behinds'"
8th NovemberTzuChien Tho - University of Bristol'Living forces and Stationary action: Leibniz at the limits of analytic mechanics'
22nd NovemberDaisy Dixon - Cardiff University'Aesthetic Slurs'
6th DecemberAidan McGlynn - University of Edinburgh'Pornography, Objectification, and Fungibility'
13th DecemberNaomi Thompson - University of Bristol'Social Metaphysical Explanation'
Autumn 2023
DateSpeakerTitle of paper
13th OctoberDavid Papineau - Kings College LondonThe Moral Irrelvance of Consciousness
20th October - CANCELLEDRachel Fraser - Oxford University - CANCELLEDOpen-mindedness as Curiosity - CANCELLED
27th OctoberIan Kidd - The University of NottinghamMisanthropy
3rd November - CANCELLEDHelen Frowe - Stockholm University - CANCELLED(Some Nascent Thoughts on) The Moral Permissibility of Collective Defence Agreements - CANCELLED
10th NovemberLea Cantor - University of CambridgeAncient philosophy within a global purview: from historiography to first-order philosophical interpretation
17th NovemberCamil Golub - Rutgers UniversityThe Good, the Bad, and the Meaningful
24th NovemberEmma Borg - University of ReadingAre Heuristics Unthinking Processes? The No Reasons challenge to Common-sense Psychology
1st DecemberRichard Pettigrew - University of Bristol What is the distinctive wrong of testimonial injustice?
8th DecemberGonzalo Velasco Arias - Universidad Carlos IIIOn Online Virtuous Deference
Spring 2024
DateSpeakerTitle of paper
16th FebruaryMichael Ridge - University of EdinburghImmoral Hopes
23rd FebruaryAlexander Prescott-Couch - Oxford UniversityAgainst Problematization Accounts of Genealogical Critique
1st MarchFrederique Janssen-Lauret - University of Manchester (Women in the History of Philosophy Annual Lecture)Susan Stebbing’s Philosophy of Physics
8th MarchRachel Fraser - University of OxfordPractical Assurance
22nd MarchDaniel Rothschild - University College LondonLearning Curves: Machine and human learning

19th-20th April

(Two day conference)

Teemu Toppinen - Tampere University & Vilma I Venesmaa - University of HelsinkiConference title: Explaining Normativity
26th AprilPatrice Haynes - University of Nottingham (Minorities and Philosophy Annual Lecture)TBC
3rd MayZsuzsanna ChappellThe Philosophy of Disability and Difference
10th MayJonathan Parry - London School of EconomicsWhy Paternalism is Wrong (When It is Wrong)?

Autumn 2022

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
13th OctoberExpanding the Canon Annual Lecture - Komarine Romdenh-Romluc, University of Sheffield, UKFanon and the Body Schema
21st OctoberMargaret Hampson, University of St Andrews, UKThe Tyrant and the Failure of Philia
4th NovemberHenry Schiller, University of Sheffield, UKGetting what you "want"
4th November​*(Online OnlyThe BSHP Annual lecture 2022 - Clare Carlise, King's College London, UK
Note change time: 6.00-8.00 pm - Zoom Link to join HERE.
Thought and Feeling: George Eliot and the Expansion of Philosophy
18th NovemberRobbie Williams, University of Leeds, UK Truth and rationality in mindreading
Postponed (Date TBC)Women in the History of Philosophy Annual Lecture - Rescheduled to 3rd March 
2nd DecemberAlessandra Tanesini, Cardiff University, UKCommitment on-line: On taking responsibility for one’s words on social media
9th DecemberDavid Sosa, University of Texas, Austin, USAWhat We Make When We Make an Effort

Spring 2023

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
27th JanuaryNomy Arpaly, Brown University, USA - ICOSS Conference Room - this talk will take place at 3:30 pmDeliberation and Fetish
10th FebruaryCancelled 
17th FebruaryEliot Michaelson, King's College London, UKKnotty Promises
24th FebruaryEli Pitcovski, Tel-Hai Academic College, IsraelSentiments and personal identity
3rd MarchWomen in the History of Philosophy Annual Lecture - Sophia Connell, Birkbeck, University of LondonThe Theoretical and Practical Philosophy of Dr Sophie Bryant (1850-1922)
10th MarchJordan MacKenzie, Virginia Tech University, USAHumorlessness as a Moral Vice
17th MarchCancelled 
24th MarchMatthew Congdon, Vanderbilt University, USAWhen Emotions Go Wrong: Epistemic and Ethical Distortions
31st MarchLuke Russell, The University of Sydney, AustraliaHave You Forgiven Me?
28th AprilQuassim Cassam, University of Warwick, UKExtremism, Radicalism, and the Politics of Labelling
5th MayLucy O'Brien, University College London, UK 
12th May

The Minorities and Philosophy Annual Lecture - Esa Díaz-León, Universitat de Barcelona

Register at

​Gender Identity, First-Person Authority,  and Philosophy of Mind
19th MayRobbie Kubala, University of Texas, Austin, USAArt and Responsibility
June (Date TBC)Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Georgetown University, USA

Spring 2022

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
25th February*Meena Krishamurthy (Queen’s University, Canada)Martin Luther King on Fearlessness and Faith
4th March*Megan Hyska (Northwestern University)Against Irrationalism in the Theory of Propaganda
11th MarchBeri Marušić (University of Edinburgh)Interpersonal Reasoning
18th MarchTommy Curry (University of Edinburgh)Decolonizing the Intersection: Conceptual and Empirical Evidence against the Presuppositions of Intersectional Theory
25th MarchDan Watts (University of Essex)Kierkegaard on Thoughts
29th AprilAlison Hills (University of Oxford) 
6th MayAzita Chellappoo (Open University)MAP Lecture
13th MayFrederique de Vignemont (École Normale Supérieure)Anticipating Pain

Autumn 2021

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
8th October*Henry Schiller (Washington University St Louis)Informational Chauvinism
15th OctoberJames Chamberlain (University of Sheffield)A Humean account of  moral intuitions
22nd October*Lynne Tirrell (University of Connecticut)Resistance isn't Futile:  Fending off Toxic Speech
29th October*Susanna Siegel (Harvard University)The Phenomenal Public
5th NovemberBoudewijn de Bruin (University of Groningen)Testimonial  injustice in law: Victims and witnesses of climate injustice
19th NovemberDerek Brown (University of Glasgow)The Reality of Colour  Illusion
26th NovemberMona Simion (University of Glasgow)What is Trustworthiness?
3rd DecemberTommy Curry (University of Edinburgh)Decolonizing the  Intersection: Conceptual and Empirical Evidence against the Presuppositions of  Intersectional Theory
10th DecemberHerjeet Marway (University of Birmingham)Procreative Justice:  Genetic Selection and Skin Tone

Spring 2021

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
19th FebruaryVanessa Wills (George Washington)The 'White Privilege' Concept in Marxism and in Critical Race Theory
26th FebruaryStephen Darwall (Yale)Transformative Knowledge of Love and Respect: The Cases of James Baldwin and Frederick Douglass
5th MarchMargot Strohminger (Australian Catholic)What’s the difference between supposing and imagining?
12th MarchAdriana Clavel-Vasquez (Oxford)Controlling (mental) images and the aesthetic appreciation of racialized bodies
19th MarchCandice Delmas (Northeastern)Uncivil disobedience from Black
Lives Matter to the Capitol (2pm)
26th MarchLaura Valentini (LMU Munich)Normative Powers
23rd AprilJimmy Lenman (Sheffield)Confucius or Plato?
30th AprilJules Holroyd (Sheffield)Bad Praise
7th MayMuhammad Ali Khalidi (CUNY)Language & Social Ontology
14th MayJessica Leech (KCL)Martha Kneale's Necessary A Posteriori

Autumn 2020

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
9th OctoberDavid Enoch (Hebrew University)Why Care about Morality, Robustly Realistically Understood
16th OctoberCaspar Hare (MIT)Pleasing the Crowd Within
23rd OctoberLiz Camp (Rutgers)Perspectival Complacency, Perversion and Amelioration
30th OctoberJustin Clarke - Doane (Columbia)Russell's Regressive Method in Mathematics and Philosophy
6th NovemberWilliam Paris (Wesleyan)Looking for Tomorrow in Yesterday: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Utopia of The Souls of Black Folk.
13th NovemberNo SeminarReading Week
20th NovemberThi Nguyen (Utah)Value Capture and Value Collapse (4pm)
27th NovemberCarrie Fidgor (Iowa)What Could Cognition Be, If Not Human Cognition?
4th DecemberKomarine Romdenh-Romluc (Sheffield)Now and Then: Thinking about Time
11th DecemberMargot Strohminger (ACU)Supposition, Imagination, and Offline Belief (Time TBC)
18th DecemberHarjit Bhogal (Maryland)Strikingness (3pm)

Spring 2020

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
14 FebruarySeiriol Morgan (Bristol)On Entitlement
28 FebruaryTom Stern (UCL)Nietzsche's Ethics
6 MarchNatalie Ashton (Stirling)

Productive Online Environments: Why Twitter is (Epistemically) Better than Facebook

Minorities And Philosophy (MAP) Annual Lecture

Please note change of venue to Hicks Lecture Theatre 5

20 MarchKomarine Romdenh-Romluc (Sheffield)'Now' Thoughts
27 MarchBoudewijn de Bruin (Groningen)Self-Fulfilling Epistemic Injustice
3 AprilCarrie Figdor (Iowa)Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Psychology
1 MayDan Watts (Essex)Kierkegaard on the Limits of Reason and the Freedom to Judge
15 MayJessica Leech (King’s College London)

Martha Kneale on Why Metaphysical Necessities Are Not A Priori

Annual Women in the History of Philosophy lecture


Autumn 2019

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
4 OctoberManolo Martinez (Barcelona)Imperative Transparency
18 OctoberMax Hayward (Sheffield)Terrestrial Ethics
25 OctoberTatjana von Solodkoff (University College Dublin)Fragrant Games - Playing With Perfumes
1 NovemberLouise Hanson (Durham)How To Be An Epistemic Constitutivist
8 NovemberOliver Hallich (Duisburg-Essen)The Dark Side of Forgiveness
29 NovemberMargot Strohminger (Oxford)Skepticism About Cases in Philosophy, Near and Far
13 DecemberDavid Owens (Kings College London)The Wrong of Untruthfulness

Spring 2019

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
8 FebruaryPeter Graham (University of California Riverside)Are the Norms of Assertion Social Norms?
22 FebruaryNick Hughes (Durham)Epistemic Dilemmas and the Fixed-Point Thesis
1 MarchBriana Toole (CUNY)Minorities and Philosophy Annual lecture: Holding Resistance Hostage: When Resistance Is Futile
8 MarchMari Mikkola (Oxford)Self-Trust and Discriminatory Speech
22 MarchChris Cowie (Durham)Responding to The Negative Repugnant Conclusion
29 MarchTatjana von Solodkoff (University College Dublin)Cancelled
5 AprilChris MeynsAnnual Women in the History of Philosophy lecture: Rose Rand (1903–1980) from the Archives: Real and Unreal 
3 MayMegan Blomfield (Sheffield)Epistemic injustice in asylum claim credibility assessments
10 MayEllen Clarke (Leeds)On biological individuality

Autumn 2018

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
12 OctoberDr Chris Marshall (Sheffield)Killing Innocent Threats and Ducking Harm
19 OctoberDr Jack Woods (Leeds)Disagreement about Logic: How and When
26 OctoberProf. Janet Radcliffe-Richards (Oxford)TBA
2 NovemberProf. Samir Okasha (Bristol)Inter-temporal choice and the metaphysics of time
16 NovemberDr Jessica May Isserow (Leeds)Pluralism about moral worth
23 NovemberProf. Robert Stern (Sheffield)Beast or Neighbour? Logstrup and Levinas on the Relation Between Ethics and Politics
30 NovemberDr Nils-Hennes Stear (Southampton)Is Aesthetic Immoralism Obviously True
7 DecemberDr Susanne Burri (LSE)Risk Imposition and Duties of Care

 Spring 2018

DateSpeakerTitle of paper
16 FebMarika Rose (Winchester)Minorities and Philosophy Annual lecture: "Slaves and Tyrants: Freedom and Domination in the Vindication of the Rights of Women"
2 MarchRobert Stainton (Western)Meaning Pluralism, Linguistic Register and Slurs
9 MarchKomarine Romdenh-Romluc (Sheffield)Homo Aestheticus
16 MarchHili Razinsky (Lisbon)Ambivalence - cancelled due to proposed UCU industrial action.
20 AprilTeemu Toppinen (Helsinki)From Duty for the Right Reasons
27 AprilRobert Briscoe (Ohio)Virtual Representation in Pictorial Space
4 MaySandrine Berges (Bilkent)  Annual Women in the History of Philosophy lecture: "The Republican Family in the Revolution: Adapting and Subverting Rousseau"
11 MayMathieu Doucet (Waterloo)Culpable ignorance and mental disorders

Events at the University

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