Having completed my BA in History at the University of Sheffield, I was certain this is where I wanted to continue my studies
There is always an opportunity to study areas of History I had never considered, and this has been a real pleasure to explore during my MA.
Jonathan Vince
MA History Student
What made you want to take a History MA degree? and why did you choose this programme at Sheffield particularly?
Having completed my BA in History at the University of Sheffield, I was certain this is where I wanted to continue my studies. The variety of topics and periods covered by courses offered alongside the amazing staff within the department were the main reasons behind my decision to continue my studies here. There is always an opportunity to study areas of History I had never considered, and this has been a real pleasure to explore during my MA.
What has your experience been like so far? and what are you particularly enjoying about studying your MA programme here?
My experience has been great. I have been able to pursue my main area of focus, the Vietnam War, whilst also exploring new events, places and periods of History I knew little about. Tackling new areas of history and historiographical concepts has been really interesting.
What modules are you taking? and what are you enjoying about these and/or what are they adding to your knowledge, skills, experience from your BA?
I took 'The Global Cold War', 'The U.S. Civil War in a Global Context', 'Imagining the Republic- Irish Republicanism 1798-1998', 'Modernity and Power - Individuals and the State in the Modern World', 'The United States in Vietnam 1945-1975', 'Dissertation in History', and 'Research Presentation for Historians'. Taking modules which explored events in a global context has been particularly interesting, it has certainly made me take a step back when considering the impact of events and thinking of indirect ramifications; for example, I had never thought of the role the US Civil War had on the cotton mills of Lancashire - this idea in particular has stuck with me and will continue to make me look further afield when considering the effect of a historical event!
What advice would you give to others considering postgraduate study?
I would highly recommend postgraduate study, it allows you to further explore your interests with real freedom. There is so much opportunity to research what you find interesting, I found that modules are very flexible in that regard and this is particularly reassuring when tackling an area of history you may not be experienced in. I would recommend trying to explore a mix of topics whilst also looking further into your areas of interest.

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