Research Seminar: Hiding in plain sight: Women in Early Modern Ireland and the VOICES project

HST Jessop West UoS

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Design Studio 01, Pam Liversidge Buildign, The University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD


We are delighted to welcome Professor Jane Ohlmeyer and Dr Daniel Patterson to our History Research Seminar series. She will be joining us on Tuesday, 11 March, from 4:15 to 5:30 PM in the Pam Liversidge Building, Design Studio 01. The seminar is a joint session with The Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies.

Professor Ohlmeyer is the Erasmus Smith's Professor of Modern History at Trinity College Dublin, and is an expert on the New British and Atlantic Histories. She has published extensively on early modern Irish and British history. Beyond her historical research, Professor Ohlmeyer regularly speak on topics that relate more generally to the humanities, the value of inter- and trans-disciplinarity, educational policy and digital humanities.

Dr Patterson is a social and cultural historian of early modern Britain and Ireland. His primary interests are in historical life-writing, representations of ‘everyday life’, social status and identity, and gender history.

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