Professor Mary Vincent
M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.) FRHistS
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Professor of Modern European History
Vice President for Education
Ex-officio Member of Senate 2019-
Member of the Research England Advisory Group 2023-
Chair of the Advisory Board, Institute of Historical Research (IHR) 2019-2023
Trustee, IHR Trust 2019-2023

+44 114 222 1003
Full contact details
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
VPE Office, The Rotunda
Firth Court
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
My main research interests lie in the history of modern Spain, particularly in the period of the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship (1931-75), I have also published widely in the history of gender.
While my earlier work looked at fascism and political violence, my current focus is on religious violence and the 'culture wars' of twentieth-century Spain.
An article in church burning was published in September 2022, which looks at the emotional effect of iconoclasm, and I am currently completing a monograph on 'Franco's Cusade'. From 2016-18 I held a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship to work on this project.
- Research interests
Modern Spain, political and religious violence, iconoclasm and violence against objects, the history of gender.
- Publications
Journal articles
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- Understanding Violence. Contemporary European History, 29(3), 285-288.
- La Semana Santa en el Nacional-Catolicismo: espacio urbano, arte e historia. El caso de Valladolid (1939-1949) [Holy Week and the Creation of National-Catholicism in Spain: Urban Space, Art and History in Valladolid, 1939-49]. Historia y Politica: ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales, 38, 91-127. View this article in WRRO
- Ungodly Citizens: Protestants in National-Catholic Spain, 1939-53. European History Quarterly, 45(1), 108-131. View this article in WRRO
- Inbal Ofer . Señoritas in Blue: The Making of a Female Political Elite in Franco's Spain . (Sussex Studies in Spanish History.) Brighton, England: Sussex Academic Press. 2009. Pp. x, 160. $65.00.. The American Historical Review, 116(4), 1202-1203.
- “To Be Consumed in Suffering for His Love”
*, Catholics and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Global World (pp. 56-74). Routledge
- »Um seiner Liebe willen von Leiden verzehrt zu werden«: Gewalt, Religion und Gegenrevolution im Spanien der Restaurationszeit In Bouwers E (Ed.), Glaubenskämpfe: Katholiken und Gewalt im 19. Jahrhundert (pp. 289-312). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Political Violence and Mass Society: A European Civil War? In Doumanis N (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of European History, 1914-1945 Oxford University Press
- Spain Oxford University Press
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Book reviews
- Kent Eaton, Protestant Missionaries in Spain, 1869–1936: ‘Shall the Papists Prevail?’. European History Quarterly, 46(2), 348-349. View this article in WRRO
- When the Sun Danced: Myth, Miracles, and Modernity in Early Twentieth-Century Portugal. By Jeffrey S. Bennett. Studies in Religion and Culture. Edited by John D. Barbour and Gary L. Ebersole.Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012. Pp. xiv+238. $55.00 (cloth); $24.50 (paper).. The Journal of Modern History, 87(1), 214-215.
- The collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936: Origins of the Civil War. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 112(5), 1616-1617.
- Franco's Justice: Repression in Madrid after the Spanish Civil War - By Julius Ruiz. History, 92(306), 275-275.
Conference proceedings papers
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- Research group
Research supervision
I welcome applications from postgraduate students with an interest in the history of Spain as well as those working on civil wars, political violence, modern Catholicism, and the history of gender.
- Current Students
- Completed Students
- David Kann - Het Joodsche Weekblad (The Jewish Weekly) as an Instrument of Persecution between 1940 and 1943 during the German Occupation of the Netherlands
- Daniel Royle - Spain in 1848: On the Edge of Revolution
- Carla Gutierrez Ramos - Organised Labour and Nationalism in the Long 1970s: Class, Democracy and the Sub-state Nations of Scotland and Galicia
- Joel Baker - 'Anti-politics', infrastructure policy and civil society mobilisations in Spain under the Primo de Rivera dictatorship (1923-1930)
- Imen Neffati - The Politics of Offence in Hara Kiri and Charlie Hebdo 1960-2015
- Sabine Hanke (second supervisor) - National identity and cultural difference in the British and German circus, 1920-1945
- Vicki Pugh - Problem bodies and sideshow space: A study of twentieth century sideshow in Blackpool 1930-1940.
- Stephanie Wright - Franco's 'Mutilated Gentleman': Masculinity and War Disability in Modern Spain, 1936-1976.
- James Yeoman - Print Culture and the Formation of the Anarchist Movement in Spain: 1890-1915.
- Matthew Kerry - Radical Politics in the Spanish Second Republic: Asturias, 1931-1936.
- Ruth Fisher (Hispanic Studies) - Resistance and Survival: Deconstructing the Narratives of Women Political Prisoners after the Spanish Civil War.
- David Lyon (MPhil) - The penitentiary of El Puerto de Santa María and a Basque Dimension.
- Rebecca Mytton (second supervisor) - Revolutionary Masculinities in the IRA, 1916-1923.
- Hannah Parker (second supervisor) - Voices of the New Soviet Woman: Gender, Emancipation and Agency in Letters to the Soviet State, 1924-1941.
- Ryosuke Yokoe (second supervisor) - Medical understandings of alcohol and the liver in twentieth-century Britain.
- David Page (MPhil, second supervisor) - Pioneers of European Federalism: the New Europe Group and New Britain Movement (1931–1935).
- Grants
Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship 2016-18
- Teaching interests
- HST112 Paths from Antiquity to Modernity
- Professional activities and memberships
- Royal Historical Society - Fellow
- Contemporary European History - Member of the editorial board
- Gender and History - Member of the editorial collective
- Historia Contemporánea - Member of the advisory board
Previous administrative roles
- Head of Department (2012-15).
- Vice-President, Royal Historical Society (2013-17)
- Council Member, University of Sheffield (2014-17)
- Chair, Senate Academic Assurance Committee (2018-19)
- Elected Member of Senate (2015-19)
- Public engagement
In the media
- Spain 40 Years On: The Historical Legacy of Franco's Dictatorship (podcast)
- 'The Spanish Civil War', BBC Radio 4's In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg
- Picasso's Guernica BBC Radio 4's In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg