
The FLIPT consortium is an exciting mix of researchers from across the EU. Find out more about the team and their work developing new ways to process polymers that are inspired by nature.

A group photo of some of the FLIPT team

Research leads

Professor Fritz Vollrath

Oxford University, view the Oxford Silk Group website

Dr Harri Setälä

VTT, view Harri Setälä's ResearchGate webpage

Professor Thomas Vosegaard

Aarhus, view webpage

Professor Jens-Uwe Sommer


Dr Cristina Silva Pereira


Stephanie Lesage

Oxford Biomaterials

Dr Juha Salmela


Team members

Dr Pete Laity

The University of Sheffield, view the Natural Materials Group website

Cate O'Brien

The University of Sheffield, view the Natural Materials Group website

Dr Mateuz Grosecki

The University of Sheffield, view webpage

Dr Martin Frydrych

Oxford University

Alex Greenhalgh

Oxford University, view the Oxford Silk Group webpage

Dr Sergii Donets


Dr Artur Bento

ITQB NOVA, view Artur Bento's LinkedIn

Dr Joana Pais

ITQB NOVA, view Joana Pais' LinkedIn

Arsham Khayatapoor

Oxford Biomaterials

Dr Arto Salminen


Dr Antti Koponen

VTT, view Antti Koponen's ResearchGate webpage

Dr Tekla Tammelin

VTT, view Tekla Tammelin's ResearchGate webpage

Dr Boris Alban Gouilleux

Aarhus, view the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre's website

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