Dr Tomislava Bošnjak Botica


School of Languages, Arts and Societies



Tomislava Bošnjak Botica is a Senior Research Associate at the Department for General Linguistics at the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb (Croatia).

She has graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Department of Romance Languages and Literature). In December 2011 she defended her PhD thesis on Croatian verbal morphology (conjugational types). She also works as External Associate, teaching Croatian for Translators at the Department of Romance Languages and Literature, University of Zagreb.

She took part in a number of scientific and professional projects. 

Work experience

July 2019 – Senior Research Associate, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

April 2015 – Research Associate, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

January 2012 – April 2015 – Postdoctoral student, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

September 2004 – December 2011 – Research Assistant, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics


2004 – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Master’s degree, specialization in: Croatian language and linguistics, French language and linguistics

2011 – PhD in linguistics, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research interests

Tomislava's main scientific interests are morphology, morphosyntax, language standardization and language acquisition.

Projects (ongoing)

  • 2020 – 2023 Feast and Famine: Confronting overabundance and defectivity in language (AHRC, Sheffield University)
  • 2018 – 2022 Multilevel approach to spoken discourse in language development, University of Zagreb (Croatian Science Foundation, UIP-2017-05-6603)
  • 2017 – Croatian Morphological Doublets Database (ICLL), project coordinator
  • 2013 –  Valency Database of Croatian verbs (ICLL)
  • 2012 – STRUNA: Database of Croatian Special Field Terminology, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics (Croatian Science Foundation)
  • 2019 – 2024 PROE: Les procédures de reformulation : outil d’appropriation de la langue maternelle et étrangère, à l’oral et à l’écrit (Paris Sorbonne University)

Conferences (selected)

T. Bošnjak Botica. 2019. Jezično savjetništvo u terminologiji na primjeru hrvatske terminološke baze Struna / Language advisory in terminology. Sedmi međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatski kao drugi i strani jezik – VII. HIDIS, Zagreb, 14 –15 November 2019.

G. Hržica, T. Bošnjak Botica. 2019. Generalizations in verb paradigms in Croatian typically developing children and a child with developmental language disorder. Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Ljubljana, 27–30 June 2019.

T. Bošnjak Botica, J. Budja, G. Hržica, D. Lečić. Croatian Morphological Doublets Detabase. CLARC 2018: Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity, Rijeka, 8–10 June 2018.

T. Bošnjak Botica, G. Hržica, J. Budja. Double-gender nouns in Croatian. CLARC 2018: Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity, Rijeka, 8–10 June 2018.

C. Martinot, T. Bošnjak Botica, J. Kuvač Kraljević, K. Vujnović Malivuk, S. Gerolimich, C. Castellani. Acquisition of linguistic complexity between the ages of 6 and 13: a cross-linguistic perspective. 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, 17 –21. July 2017.

G. Hržica, T. Bošnjak Botica, J. Budja. Inflectional doublets within Croatian double-gender nouns: from a diachronic to a synchronic perspective. 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Nicosia, 22–25 June 2017.

G. Hržica, T. Bošnjak Botica, J. Budja. When blocking does not block: the case of Croatian double-gender nouns. Diachronic morphology. Theoretical, areal, and phylogenetic perspectives. Zurich, 26–27 January 2017.

T. Bošnjak Botica, G. Hržica. Competition and suppletion – evidence from the Croatian verbal morphology. 17th International Morphology Meeting: Competition in Morphology. Vienna, 18 –21 February 2016.

T. Bošnjak Botica, I. Oraić Rabušić. Morphological and semantic features of the 3rd verb type in Croatian. 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Dubrovnik, 15–18 September 2013.

Z. Jelaska, T. Bošnjak Botica. Conjugational verb types as prototype based categories. Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Zagreb, 27–29 September 2012.

T. Bošnjak Botica, J. Kuvač Kraljević. Un phenomene complexe d'acquisition en langue maternelle: le cas des relatives en croate. La complexite en langue et son acquisition. Université Paris Descartes, Paris, 5–7 July 2010.

T. Bošnjak, Z. Jelaska. Ime i prezime – gramatikom do identiteta / Name and last name – through grammar toward identity. Jezik i identiteti – 20. znanstveni skup HDPL-a. Split, 25–27 May 2006.

C. Martinot, E. Zaretsky, J. Kuvač, T. Bošnjak, M. Cepanec. Late language acquisitions and reformulation. 10th International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Berlin, 25–29 July 2005.

Other talks

Dublete u hrvatskoj gramatici / Doublets in Croatian grammar. Stručni skup profesora hrvatskoga jezika povodom Dana hrvatskoga jezika, Split, 15 March 2019.

Jedno, drugo ili oboje: standardnojezične inačice / One, the other or both: standard variants in Croatian. Kulturni četvrtak u Sesvetama, 10 March 2017.

Glagolske vrste u hrvatskome: brojnost, čestota, prototipnost / Verb types in Croatian – quantity, frequency, prototypes. Zagrebački lingvistički krug. Zagreb, 10 December 2013.

Selected publications

Birtić, Matea; Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Brač, Ivana; Matas Ivanković, Ivana; Oraić Rabušić, Ivana; Runjaić, Siniša. 2018. Valencijski rječnik psiholoških glagola u hrvatskome jeziku / Valence dictionary of Croatian psyche verbs. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Zagreb.

Martinot, Claire; Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Gerolimich, Sonia; Paprocka-Piotrowska, Urszula (eds.). 2019. Reformulation and Acquisition of Linguistic Complexity: Crosslinguistic Perspective. Iste Editions – Wiley. London – Hoboken (NJ).

Jelaska, Zrinka; Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava. 2020. Derivational networks in CroatianDerivational Networks Across Languages. Ur. Körtvélyessy, Lívia; Bagasheva, Alexandra; Štekauer, Pavol. De Gruyter Mouton. Berlin – Boston. pp. 43–52. 

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Lečić, Dario; Hržica, Gordana; Budja, Jurica. 2019. Baza hrvatskih morfoloških dubleta / Database of Croatian morphological dublets. Suvremena lingvistika 45. pp. 95–108.

Jelaska, Zrinka; Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava. 2019. Conjugational types in Croatian. Rasprave IHJJ 45/1. pp. 47–74.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Jelaska, Zrinka. 2018./2019. Načela kategorizacije glagolskih skupina i vrsta u hrvatskom, francuskom i rumunjskom jeziku / Categorization principles of verb types in Croatian, French and Romanian. Poglavlja iz romanske filologije. U čast akademiku Augustu Kovačecu o njegovu 80. rođendanu. FF press. Zagreb. pp. 133–160.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Budja, Jurica; Hržica, Gordana. 2018. Rodovna i sklonidbena dvojnost imenica u hrvatskom jeziku / Double-gender and double-declension nouns in Croatian: diachronic and synchronic perspective. Rasprave IHJJ 44/1. pp. 57–88.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Olujić, Ivana. 2016. O stvaranju naziva za boje u rumunjskom i hrvatskom jeziku te govoru Karaševa / On the Origin and Creation of Colour Terms in Croatian and Romanian Language and the Carasova Idiom. Romanoslavica 52/2. pp. 7–22.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava. 2016. Morfologija u ranom jezičnom razvoju / Morphology in early language acquisition. Hrvatski jezik 3 (2). pp. 1–5.

Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena; Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Vujnović Malivuk, Kristina, Pinjušić, Paulina. 2016. Linguistic complexity in late language development: reformulation of relative clausesSuvremena lingvistika 42 (81). pp. 27–42.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Hržica, Gordana. 2016. Overabundance in Croatian dual-class verbsFluminensia 28/1. pp. 44–59.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava, Oraić Rabušić, Ivana. 2015. Morphosemantic features of the third verb type (jeti verbs) in Croatian.. Online Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean morphology meeting. Ur. Audring et al. University of Leiden – University of Patras – University of Bologna – University of Zagreb. pp. 12–21.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Jelaska, Zrinka. 2008. Sklonidba muških dvosložnih imena i naglasna dvojnost / Declension of two-syllabic masculine names and accent variation.  Jezik 55/4 i 55/5. pp. 143–150, 170–181.

Bošnjak Botica, Tomislava; Gulešić-Machata, Milvia. 2006. Rod imenica na -a za osobe muškoga spola /  Gender of nouns with the nominative morpheme -a for male persons. Lahor 4. pp. 170–189.

Bošnjak, Tomislava. 2005. Gramatička i semantička kolebljivost dvosložnih imenica sa sufiksom- ež / Grammatical and semantic doubletism of bisyllabic nouns with the suffix -ež. Rasprave IHJJ 31. pp. 1–18.