Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021 - 2026


Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment 2021-2026

The Faculty of Engineering is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. We will work to create an inclusive environment that attracts and supports a diverse range of talented staff and students and fosters equal opportunity for everyone to achieve their potential. We will break down barriers, work to remove inequalities and build an environment where diversity -- in all its forms -- is actively sought, understood and appreciated and where processes and structures are designed so as to promote inclusion.

Our objectives are:

  1. To achieve an inclusive environment and we aim to establish a Faculty where all staff and students feel they belong, can be themselves, can excel to their potential and can benefit the Faculty with their individual perspective and background. We will recognise people’s strengths and provide opportunities for all to thrive without biases. We will build an environment underpinned by inclusive processes, trust, transparency of decision making and openness to change.

  2. To improve diversity with the aim to improve diversity across Faculty groups and teams in order to improve delivery and experience of high-quality research and learning and teaching. We will ensure that diversity (both in terms of demographics and in terms of experience and points of view) is actively sought, understood, appreciated and promoted. Although we will use the term ‘diversity’ to mean all forms of diversity, a special focus will be on ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background and disability.

  3. Equality with the aim to ensure equality for all students and staff regardless of their background and continue to actively remove barriers to access, progression and attainment for those who are systematically disadvantaged.

Read the Strategy in full.