The university provides resources & opportunities for international students to ensure proper transition & acclimation to the UK academic environment

Why did you choose your particular engineering course?
I chose chemical engineering because it is an intersection of my favourite subjects at A-levels: chemistry, maths and physics. I was also interested in working in the sector that chemical engineers dealt with such as energy production, food manufacturing and pharmaceuticals.
Why did you choose to do a postgraduate degree?
I chose to embark on a PhD degree because I am interested in working as a researcher within engineering and I was also inspired by my friends who are researchers making breakthroughs within their respective fields. My PhD focuses on techno-economic analysis of supercritical water gasification of biomass integrated with physical absorption-based CCS using modelling and simulation for the production of Hydrogen.
How would you describe your time and experiences at University in relation to any challenges or opportunities related to equality, diversity or inclusivity?
My time at the University of Sheffield has been very enjoyable due to the diverse students and staff I have met during my courses (I completed my MEng degree at the university). In my opinion, the university provides resources and opportunities for international students to ensure proper transition and acclimation to the UK academic environment which is very helpful. .
The engineering faculty has spear-headed initiatives such as the International Engineering Ambassador Scheme & Women in Engineering Society to increase engagement & participation of underrepresented groups. I have worked with these schemes & seen the effect it has on the local and international community
Oludayo Hadiza Asuni
Chemical Engineering PhD student
Please describe any particular situation where you think other students could learn from your experience as a student from a minoritised group or working with other students from minoritised groups?
I think other students can learn from under-represented groups regarding issues such as settlement within the country, religious or cultural restrictions, and financial issues.
What has been the highlight of your journey in engineering so far?
Achieving a 2.1 at the end of MEng course after a challenging 4th year during the onset of the pandemic, The Women in Engineering Society winning the best academic society during my regime as the President and working with the local community to educate the next generation about engineering and its types.
Do you think diversity in Engineering is important?
I think diversity in Engineering is important because we need the makers of things or devices that keep the world running (engineers) to resemble the population that utilise these devices, things, equipment to ensure that no group feels left out or unable to use them.