Incoming exchange students
Information for in-coming students from the European Union or overseas who want to study at the University of Sheffield.

Courses at the School of Economics
Students arriving from exchange programmes at the University of Sheffield can choose from a variety of courses offered in the School of Economics.
However, those who are coming to the University Sheffield for one semester only, cannot select the following modules which run across two semesters:
- Economic History of Britain and the Modern World
- Classical and Contemporary Thinkers in Economics
- Mathematical Methods for Economics 1
- Mathematical Methods for Economics 2
- Statistical Methods for Economics
- Intermediate Microeconomics
- Intermediate Macroeconomics
- Economic Analysis and Policy
Workload and the credit system
Students spending a full academic year at the University Sheffield can choose a maximum of 120 Sheffield credits per year, or equivalently 60 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits.
Students who are studying here for one semester can choose modules to the maximum per semester of 60 credits (30 ECTS credits). The minimum is 40 credits (20 ECTS credits). Students who wish to register for less than 120/60 credits must bring a supporting letter from their home University and show it to a member of staff on registration day.
Erasmus students have to choose all their modules from the School of Economics.
Study Abroad students can get credits from any school in the University of Sheffield, subject to availability (and specific module prerequisites).
Language requirements
Erasmus students do not have to provide proof of English Language proficiency to the University of Sheffield. However, we expect that your English language proficiency is of good standard (e.g., IELTS 6.5).
Study Abroad exchange students must prove proficiency in English to be accepted for study at the University Sheffield.
For more information visit our English Language requirements page.

International postgraduate taught scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international postgraduate taught students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the original tuition fee.
Applications are open for existing offer holders for a postgraduate taught programme starting in September 2025.