Dr Juan Paez-Farrell

School of Economics

Lecturer in Economics

Profile image for academic staff member Dr Juan Paez-Farrell
Profile picture of Profile image for academic staff member Dr Juan Paez-Farrell
+44 114 222 3417

Full contact details

Dr Juan Paez-Farrell
School of Economics
Room B26
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU

Juan graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1994, where he also gained his MA in Economics. He completed his PhD from the University of Cardiff in 2002. He began his academic career in 2001 as lecturer in economics at the University of Hull.

He has held academic posts at the universities of Cardiff and Loughborough and has also taught in Hong Kong and Singapore. Juan joined the University of Sheffield in August 2013.

Research interests

Juan's research interests are in the areas of macroeconomics and monetary economics, especially business cycles. His recent research focuses on:

  • determinants of the sacrifice ratio in the OECD economies
  • analysing the behaviour of central banks when setting interest rates
  • exploring whether central banks are concerned about exchange rate stabilisation

Juan is interested in supervising PhD students in macroeconomics and monetary economics.


Journal articles

Teaching activities

Juan currently teaches ECN202 Macroeconomic Principles, ECN324 Monetary Economics and ECN6660 Monetary Economics. Monetary economics studies the relationships between real economic variables (such as GDP and unemployment) and nominal variables (such as inflation and nominal interest rates).

His teaching covers both theory and applications, focusing on insights from the latest economics research as well as issues related to monetary policy. To this end, many of the models he uses are based on microeconomic foundations to ensure consistency between macro and microeconomics. 

  • ECN202 Macroeconomic Principles
  • ECN324 Monetary Economics
  • ECN6660 Monetary Economics