Dr Daniel Gray
School of Economics
Senior Lecturer in Economics
+44 114 222 9653
Full contact details
School of Economics
Room C42
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Daniel graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2009 with a BSc in Economics and Mathematics and then went on to obtain an MSc Economics in 2010, also from the University of Sheffield.
He completed his PhD in 2014, again at Sheffield, where his thesis explored the relationship between household finances and individual well-being by analysing a variety of nationally representative household surveys.
After completing his PhD, Daniel worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Economic Analysis of Decision-making (InstEAD) and he was appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Sheffield in 2016.
- Research interests
Daniel’s research interests include the area of subjective well-being with a particular focus on the role of the household’s financial position.
In addition, he is currently interested in household financial portfolio allocation and the effects of education on financial decision making.
More generally he is interested in applied microeconometrics and, in future, he would like to further explore these areas in addition to developing new research interests.
Daniel is looking to supervise PhD students in the area of household finances and applied microeconometrics.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Portfolio allocation and borrowing constraints. The European Journal of Finance. View this article in WRRO
- Household portfolio allocation, uncertainty, and risk. Journal of Empirical Finance. View this article in WRRO
- Election outcomes and individual subjective well-being in Great Britain. Economica. View this article in WRRO
- Credit supply shocks and household leverage: evidence from the US banking deregulation. Journal of Financial Stability, 43, 97-115. View this article in WRRO
- Household finances and well-being in Australia: An empirical analysis of comparison effects. Journal of Economic Psychology, 53, 17-36. View this article in WRRO
- Employee trust and workplace performance. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116(-), 361-378. View this article in WRRO
- The relative income hypothesis: A comparison of methods. Economics Letters, 130, 47-50. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
Working papers
- Does education improve finanacial behaviors? Quasi-experimental evidence from Britain. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, 481-507.
- Portfolio allocation and borrowing constraints. The European Journal of Finance. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching activities
I currently teach Economic Decision Making to second year undergraduates, Public Policy Evaluation and Microeconomic Analysis to postgraduate students.
Economic Decision Making aims to show how economic theory can be applied to understand a range of economic problems, whilst, Public Policy Evaluation aims to provide students with an understanding of economic models used to evaluate policy interventions.
In these modules there will be an emphasis on applications to real world problems.
- ECN222 Economic Decision Making
- ECN607 Public Policy Evaluation
- ECN6510 Microeconomic Analysis