Dr Chiara Orsini

School of Economics

Lecturer in Economics

Profile image for academic staff member Dr Chiara Orsini
Profile picture of Profile image for academic staff member Dr Chiara Orsini
+44 114 222 5572

Full contact details

Dr Chiara Orsini
School of Economics
Room C35
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU

Chiara holds a PhD and MA in Economics from the University of Maryland at College Park, and prior to joining the University of Sheffield has held academic positions at the University of Maryland at College Park, Aarhus University, the University of Venice, and the LSE, where she continues to hold an appointment as a visiting fellow at the Department of Health Policy.

Research interests

Chiara ‘s research is in Applied Microeconometrics and lies at the intersection of Labor Economics, Health Economics, and Public Economics.

Chiara studies the behaviour of individuals, firms, and governments, and her research tries to understand intended and unintended effects of public policies, effects of innovation, issues relevant for the design of markets, inequality, consumer response to information, and the transmission of human capital.

Chiara is interested in supervising dissertations in Applied Microeconometrics, especially on topics related to the production of health and impact of healthcare policies


Journal articles


  • Daysal NM, Elder TE, Hellerstein JK, Imberman SA & Orsini C (2021) Parental Skills, Assortative Mating, and the Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder. RIS download Bibtex download
Teaching activities

Chiara is currently teaching:

  • ECN120: Statistical Methods for Economics
  • ECN130: Economic Analysis and Policy