Applied Microeconometrics


The Applied Microeconometrics group focuses on Econometric methodology with applications in (predominantly, but not exclusively) microeconomics. Meetings take different formats including presentations of work in progress focusing on the methods used, roundtable sessions in which draft papers are circulated in advance and discussed in the meeting, and brainstorming sessions discussing research ideas at an early stage. We aim to bring together colleagues who work in different areas but share a common interest in methods. The group organizes ad hoc workshops to address topics of interest that emerge during meetings. For instance, a recent workshop funded by the School of Economics focused on “Secondary Data Access”.

Research group leader

Chiara Orsini

Academic staff

Andrew M BryceAndy DickersonAmairisa KoukiAntonio ParlavecchioBert Van LandeghemBitrus B Amos Cristina M SechelGeorgios EfthyvoulouGreta MorandoGurleen PopliJesse A MathesonJennifer RobertsMark L BryanNicolas Van de Sijpe

Pamela Lenton

Peter Wright

PhD students 

Adam RoweEko Arief YogamaHao ZhuLucy WardMaria PetrilloMudabira Fayaz

Shiwen XuStevier Kaiyatsa

Xutian YaoYanqing Zhong

Representative publications

Foureaux-Koppensteiner, M., Jesse Matheson and R. Plugor (2023). “The impact of improving access to support services for victims of domestic violence on demand for services and victim outcomes”, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Nicolas Van de Sijpe, Windmeijer, F. (2023). On the power of the Conditional Likelihood Ratio and related tests for weak-instrument robust inference. Journal of Econometrics.

Daysal NM, Elder TE, Hellerstein JK, Imberman SA & Chiara Orsini (2023) Parental Skills, Assortative Mating, and the Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder. American Journal of Health Economics.

Gedikli C, Gurleen Popli & Yilmaz O (2023) The impact of intimate partner violence on women’s labour market outcomes. World Development.

Jennifer Roberts, Tubeuf S & Tyler P (2022) Evaluating area-based policies using secondary data: the neighbourhood management pathfinders programme. Housing Studies.

Bove V, Georgios Efthyvoulou & Pickard H (2022) Government ideology and international migrationScandinavian Journal of Economics

Mahdi S, Andy Dickerson, Infield Solar G & Caton SJ (2022) Timing of energy intake and BMI in children: differential impacts by age and sex. British Journal of Nutrition.

Andy Dickerson, McDool, E & Morris, D. (2022) Post-compulsory education pathways and labour market outcomes, Education Economics.

Bove, V., Georgios Efthyvoulou & Pickard, H. (2022). Did terrorism affect voting in the Brexit referendum? British Journal of Political Science.

Mark Bryan, Rice N, Jennifer Roberts , and Cristina Sechel (2022), ‘Exploring Mental Health Disability Gaps in the Labour Market: the UK Experience during COVID-19’Labour Economics.

Mark Bryan, Rice N, Jennifer Roberts and Cristina Sechel (2022) Mental health and employment: a bounding approach using panel dataOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Gladwell D., Gurleen Popli, and Aki Tsuchiya. (2022) ‘Predictors of becoming NEET: a dynamic comparison of the direct and indirect determinants.’ Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series A.

Andrew M Bryce (2021) Weekend working in 21st century Britain: Does it matter for the well-being of workers? Manchester School.

Sechel Cristina (2021) The share of satisfied individuals: a headcount measure of aggregate subjective well-being. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Anaxagorou, C., Georgios Efthyvoulou. & Sarantides, V. (2020). Electoral motives and the subnational allocation of foreign aid in sub-Saharan Africa. European Economic Review.

Foureaux-Koppensteiner, M., and Jesse Matheson (2020). "Secondary Schools and Teenage Childbearing: Evidence from the School Expansion in Brazilian Municipalities", The World Bank Economic Review.

Bert Van Landeghem. (2019) Stable Traits but Unstable Measures? Identifying Panel Effects in Self-Reflective Survey Questions. Journal of Economic Psychology.

Chiara Orsini. (2019). The mortality effects of changing public funding for home health care: an empirical analysis of Medicare home health care in the United States. Health Economics.

Hole, A. & Anita Ratcliffe. (2019) The impact of the London bombings on the well-being of adolescent MuslimsThe Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

De Neve, J., G. Ward, F. Dekeulenaer, Bert Van Landeghem, G. Kavetsos and M. Norton (2018) The Asymmetric of Positive and Negative Growth Is Asymmetric: Global Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data. Review of Economics and Statistics.

Lee S & Chiara Orsini (2018) Girls and boys: economic crisis, fertility, and birth outcomes. Journal of Applied Econometrics.

Temple, J., Nicolas Van de Sijpe. (2017). Foreign aid and domestic absorption. Journal of International Economics.

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