Michael Pidd

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

Director of The Digital Humanities Institute

Michael Pidd
Profile picture of Michael Pidd

Michael is Director of The Digital Humanities Institute. He has nearly 30 years of experience in developing, managing and delivering large collaborative research projects and technology R&D in the humanities and heritage subject domains.

He is currently Principal Investigator (UK) on the project C21 Editions: Scholarly Editing and Publishing in the Digital Age (AHRC and Irish Research Council) and Co-Investigator on the project Scoping Future Data Services (AHRC).

He was Principal Investigator on the following projects: Connecting Shakespeare (HEIF), Dewdrop (Jisc), Reinventing Local Public Libraries (HEIF), and Manuscripts Online (Jisc); Co-Investigator on the following projects: Intoxicants and Early Modernity (ESRC/AHRC), Linguistic DNA (AHRC), Beyond the Multiplex (AHRC) and Ways of Being in the Digital Age (ESRC); and has been the technical lead on a wide number of projects such as Digital Panopticon (AHRC).

Michael oversees the work of the DHI which includes:

  • Responsibility for the development and delivery of its research projects.
  • Initiating and developing research funding proposals.
  • Overseeing the DHI’s postgraduate degree programmes.
  • Developing the DHI’s operations and strategic objectives.
  • Managing the DHI’s relationship with its clients and stakeholders.
  • Developing new relationships and business opportunities.
  • Representing the DHI nationally and internationally as well as within the University more widely.
  • Overseeing the online resources which the DHI hosts on behalf of its partners.

Michael serves as the main point of contact for project partners undertaking a collaboration with the DHI and he bears responsibility for the DHI’s commitments to its projects.

Research interests
  • Data ontologies
  • Scholarly digital editions
  • Research infrastructure
  • Information systems design
  • Online publishing

Selection of Online Resources

A Practical Guide to Using Data Ontologies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2021). Available at: https://www.dhi.ac.uk/ontology-guide/

Beyond the Multiplex Audience Data Platform (2021). Funded by AHRC. Available at: https://www.beyondthemultiplex.org

Jaina Prosopography (2020). Funded by The Leverhulme Trust. https://www.jaina-prosopography.org

Linguistic DNA of Modern Western Thought (2019). Available at: http://www.linguisticdna.org

European Cinema Audiences (2022). Funded by AHRC. https://https://www.europeancinemaaudiences.org

Cine Ricordi (2018). Funded by AHRC. http://www.cinericordi.it

Casa Ricordi (2017). Funded by Casa Ricordi, Milan. https://www.digitalarchivioricordi.com

Digital Panopticon: The Global Impact of London Punishments, 1780-1925. (2013 – 2018). Funded by AHRC. http://www.digitalpanopticon.org

Mark My Bird (2017). Funded by the European Research Council. http://www.dhi.ac.uk/projects/mark- my-bird

Manuscripts Online – Written Culture from 1000 to 1500 (2013). Funded by Jisc. http://www.manuscriptsonline.org

Intoxicants and Early Modernity (2017). Funded by AHRC / ESRC. http://www.intoxicantsproject.org

England’s Immigrants 1330 – 1550: Resident Aliens in the Middle Ages (2015). http://www.englandsimmigrants.com

Beyond the Label (2012). Funded by the University of Sheffield and the Museum, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). http://www.beyondthelabel.info

Locating London's Past (2011). Funded by Jisc. http://www.locatinglondon.org

Connected Histories (2011). Funded by Jisc. http://www.connectedhistories.org