The patients who I get to treat make my course worthwhile

“I grew up in Kenilworth in Warwickshire and have lived there all my life”, says Emma Kempton. “As a child I wanted to be a hippie, but if that plan didn’t work out I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up!”
“When I was in sixth form, I was interested in studying medicine, but after lots of work experience I realised that dentistry was much more hands-on”, she explains. “Dentists diagnose, treat and review lots of different problems including oral and maxillofacial surgery, restorative (fillings and crowns), orthodontics and many more.”
Emma chose to study BDS Dental Surgery here in Sheffield. “I came to Sheffield for the University but I’ve fallen in love with the city. The people are so friendly and the night life is buzzing. Plus a picnic in the Peak District is the perfect bonding session with your new flatmates. I’m still trying to get my head around the accent though!”
“The patients who I get to treat make my course worthwhile. Some patients are genuinely really grateful for the work that you do. My denture patient even bought me some books! We always chat about what we’re reading at the moment.”
“Sheffield also offers an optional intercalation year where you can choose a specific topic of research for a year and gain an extra degree. I wanted to see the other side of dentistry. Everything we do as dentists is based on research, but you don’t get to see much of the research actually happen, so it was interesting to do some myself. I’ve always enjoyed science in school, so it was interesting to get to do some of it first-hand.”
“I spent my intercalation year studying for a BMedSci in the dental school”, she recalls. “I spent the year in the labs alongside PhD and masters’ students, attempting to work out whether a specific medication (nicorandil) affects the wound healing process.”
In her spare time, Emma enjoys socialising in the students’ union. “I am obsessed with New Leaf. It’s a salad bar in the students’ union that makes the best wraps with more fillings than you could possibly imagine stuffed into the softest tortilla wrap to grace this earth. A trip to New Leaf makes a day at the library a little bit more bearable.”