Introducing CALM for dental professionals
The CALM trial is a research project investigating ways to reduce children’s fear of the dentist.
We know that a visit to the dentist can make many children feel anxious. Children with dental anxiety have poor oral health (more tooth decay and extractions) and may have a lifetime of avoiding the dentist. Dental professionals can find it stressful to treat children who feel anxious and frequently refer them to specialist services for sedation or general anaesthetic (GA). This has additional costs to the NHS and a burden to the family.
The aim of this 4-year study is to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy intervention delivered to dentally anxious children by primary care dental professionals compared to 'usual' care. We will investigate the effects on children's dental anxiety, quality of life, dental attendance and the need for specialist services. We will also compare the cost and feasibility of this approach compared to usual care. CALM will find out if this intervention works in primary care where the vast majority of children are seen.
Click here to view a flowchart for CALM dental practices, and watch the video below for more information.