Dr Tom Dyer
School of Clinical Dentistry
Senior Clinical Teacher in Dental Public Health
Full contact details
School of Clinical Dentistry
19 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA
- Profile
I qualified in dentistry from the University of Leeds in 1990. I worked predominantly in resident oral surgery posts for the first five years of my career. For the next five, I mixed hospital oral surgery with general dental practice and some work in the community dental service and was appointed to the specialist list in oral surgery in 1998. I completed specialist training in dental public health in 2005 and have worked as part-time lecturer in dental public health in an honorary or substantive capacity since 2002. I was awarded my PhD from the University of Sheffield in 2015. I was appointed as a part-time Senior Clinical Teacher in 2020. I continue to work clinically in two dental practices as an oral surgeon.
- Research interests
My main research interests relate to the use of skill-mix in dentistry and service evaluation.
My PhD was a portfolio of four complementary projects that considered the acceptability of the use of skill-mix in dentistry. This was a mixed-methods study and comprised two qualitative and two quantitative studies, including a Cochrane systematic review. Collectively they assessed the public’s and patient’s views on being treated by dental hygienists and therapists in the UK and elsewhere and what influences these views.
I have also undertaken a number of service evaluations of specialist oral surgery services delivered from dental practice. These included a range of data using mixed-methods, with a focus on lay evaluation using patient satisfaction measures and qualitative approaches.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The ethics of community water fluoridation: Part 1 - an overview of public health ethics. British Dental Journal, 238(5), 311-315.
- The ethics of community water fluoridation: Part 2 - how has the ethics of community water fluoridation been appraised in the literature? A scoping review. British Dental Journal, 238(5), 336-343.
- Does poor oral health impact on young children's development? A rapid review. British Dental Journal, 237(4), 255-260. View this article in WRRO
- Facilitators for increasing dental attendance of people from vulnerable groups: a rapid review of evidence relevant to the UK. British Dental Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Are teenagers ‘drowning' in sports and energy drinks? The need for upstream and downstream interventions. British Dental Journal, 235(10), 779-781.
- Correction to: Sustainability as part of a quality framework for the organisation of oral healthcare. British Dental Journal, 235(6), 425-425.
- Sustainability as part of a quality framework for the organisation of oral healthcare. British Dental Journal, 235(5), 309-312.
- 'The dental nurse played a vital role in helping to manage the patient': a thematic analysis of undergraduate dental students' reflective journals from outreach placements. British Dental Journal, 234(7), 527-533.
- Effectiveness of strategies to increase participation in school-based epidemiological surveys: a rapid review. Community Dental Health, 40(1), 53-59.
- Building consensus in defining and conceptualizing acceptability of healthcare: A Delphi study. Public Health Nursing, 40(2), 273-282.
- The acceptability of healthcare: from satisfaction to trust. Community Dental Health, 33, 1-10. View this article in WRRO
- The acceptability of care provided by dental auxiliaries. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 147(4), 244-254.
- The acceptability of care delegation in skill-mix: The salience of trust. Health Policy, 117(2), 170-178.
- A five-year evaluation of an NHS dental practice-based specialist minor oral surgery service. Community Dental Health, 30(4), 219-226.
- What matters to patients when their care is delegated to dental therapists?. British Dental Journal, 214(6), E17-E17.
- General and vague. British Dental Journal, 213(11), 540-541.
- The influence of population oral health on the dental team. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40, 16-21.
- What do we really know about UK paediatric dental general anaesthesia services?. British Dental Journal, 212(4), 165-167.
- What influences the use of dental services by adults in the UK?. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40(4), 306-314. View this article in WRRO
- Summary of: Delivering alcohol screening and alcohol brief interventions within general dental practice: rationale and overview of the evidence. British Dental Journal, 210(9), 420-421.
- An evaluation of paediatric dental general anaesthesia in Yorkshire and the Humber. British Dental Journal, 209(12), E20-E20.
- The oral health of adults in Yorkshire and Humber 2008. British Dental Journal, 209(6), E9-E9.
- People with learning disabilities and specialist services. British Dental Journal, 208(5), 203-205.
- Public awareness and social acceptability of dental therapists. British Dental Journal, 208(1), E2-E2.
- A health equity methodology for auditing oral health and NHS General Dental Services in Sheffield, England. Community Dental Health, 27(2), 68-73.
- Evaluation of an NHS practice-based minor oral surgery service. British Dental Journal, 207(12), 577-582.
- Public awareness and social acceptability of dental therapists. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 7(2), 108-114.
- The modified dental anxiety scale: UK general public population norms in 2008 with further psychometrics and effects of age. BMC Oral Health, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- School-based epidemiological surveys and the impact of positive consent requirements. British Dental Journal, 205(11), 589-592.
- Exploring the social acceptability of skill-mix in dentistry. International Dental Journal, 58(4), 173-180.
- General health promotion in general dental practice — The involvement of the dental team Part 2: A qualitative and quantitative investigation of the views of practice principals in South Yorkshire. British Dental Journal, 201(1), 45-51.
- General health promotion in general dental practice — The involvement of the dental team Part 1: A review of the evidence of effectiveness of brief public health interventions. British Dental Journal, 200(12), 679-685.
- Foreign bodies and radiographs. British Dental Journal, 182(6), 208-208.
- What are the public health benefits of community-based education in dentistry? A scoping review. British Dental Journal.
- Making every contact count - reconnecting oral health to holistic paediatric care in the management of childhood obesity. Endocrine Abstracts.
- 'The dental nurse played a vital role in helping to manage the patient'. BDJ Team, 10(9), 25-31.
- The oral health of adults attending dental practices in England in 2018: a report of a novel method and findings. British Dental Journal.
- The Self-Reported Oral Health Status and Dental Attendance of Smokers and Non-Smokers in England. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0148700-e0148700. View this article in WRRO
- Dental auxiliaries for dental care traditionally provided by dentists. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- The ethics of community water fluoridation: Part 1 - an overview of public health ethics. British Dental Journal, 238(5), 311-315.
- Research group
Population and Person-Centred Oral Health Group (PAPOR)
- Teaching activities
I teach undergraduate dental students, dental hygiene/therapy students and on the Masters in Dental Public Health programme. My main teaching interests include quality in dental care, use of skill-mix and public health approaches to the prevention of disease.
I am also module lead for Dental Public Health - Application and Critique CDH605
- Professional activities and memberships
- Journal referee for Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology, Community Dental Health, British Dental Journal and International Dental Journal.
- Past President and council member of the South Yorkshire Branch of the British Dental Association
- Member of British Association of the Study of Community Dentistry
- Member of the British Association of Oral Surgery
- Clinical
I work as an oral surgeon in two dental practices providing specialist NHS care on referral from other practitioners. I maintain an interest in the evaluation of the services I provide, the reports of which have been published in peer reviewed journals. One of the practices is a Foundation Training practice where I contribute to the training of three trainees.