Dr Neda Azarmehr

BSc, MSc, PhD

School of Clinical Dentistry

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Neda Azarmehr portrait photo
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Full contact details

Dr Neda Azarmehr
School of Clinical Dentistry
19 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA

Neda obtained her PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence from University of Lincoln. Her PhD project was collaboration with Imperial College London to develop automated models using deep learning, computer vision algorithm, and medical image analysis to assess the left ventricle function which enables physicians to analyse cardiac echo images more precisely.

She has completed undergraduate studies in Health Information Technology, following a MSc degree in Big Data Analytics. She has a strong interest in teaching and research in the field of application of Artificial Intelligence in medical application. Before joining The University of Sheffield, Neda worked as an associate lecturer in the field of Computer Science at different UK higher education institutions.

Research interests

Neda's research interests are mainly centred on algorithm development, computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, medical image analysis.

Neda’s current research focuses on developing automated models using Artificial Intelligence for early oral cancer detection (Supervisor: Dr Ali Khurram) on the multidisciplinary collaboration with CR_UK ANTICIPATE study with Professor Rajpoot, University of Warwick.

She has published research articles in national and international journals and conferences, including a book. Neda is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed international journals.


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Funded by CR UK

Teaching interests

Artificial Intelligence in medical domain, Machine Learning.

Professional activities and memberships

Member of Insigneo Institute for in silico Medicine.