Professor Chris Deery
School of Clinical Dentistry
Professor/Honorary Consultant
+44 114 215 9415
Full contact details
School of Clinical Dentistry
19 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA
- Profile
I graduated from Edinburgh University in 1984. Periods in general dental practice and the community dental service, where followed by a masters degree from Bristol. I then moved to the Dental Health Services Research Unit, University of Dundee. I became a Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, Edinburgh Dental Institute in 2001 and became Professor of Paediatric Dentistry, University of Sheffield in 2006. I was appointed Dean of the School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield in 2015.
- Research interests
My research interests are preventive dentistry, cariology, evidence based dentistry, research in primary care and child focused research. I am the Chief Investigator on the NIHR MAGIC Trial looking at melatonin as a premedication for GA. In the fielded of cariology I was a co-investigator on the FICTION Trial and am currently part of the teams delivering the SCRIPT (Selective Caries Removal in Permanent Teeth) and PIP (Pulpotomy in Permanent teeth) Trials.
I am particularly interested in improving caries diagnosis because I believe this will improve patient outcomes. My research has looked at both meticulous visual caries diagnosis and the use of diagnostic aides and devices. Current and planned research is examining the remineralisation of dentine and the structure of carious lesions.
I am member of the International Caries Detection & Assessment System (ICDAS) Co-ordinating Committee, which is redefining the research, clinical and educational agenda in cariology.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Research group
PhD students
Sultan Attamimi. Investigation on the feasibility and utility of electronic administration of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in Paediatric Dentistry.
Seham A Mohammed, A life course analysis of the influence of oral health on school performance of children in Bahrain
Lamis El sharkasi. The histochemistry of proximal caries in primary teeth.
Bhupinder Dawett. The implementation and acceptability of a Minimum Intervention Care plan for carious permanent teeth in children attending NHS dental practice – a feasibility study. (NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship).
Ahmed Marghalani. An evaluation of oral health services for children with disabilities in Medinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Ethnographic case study) (2020)
Eleanor Ashworth. The remineralisation of erosion and caries affected dentine by infiltration with colloidal nanoparticles. (2017)
Alaa Bani Hani. The outcome of caries management at two specialist centres, a qualitative and quantitative investigation. Joint with University of Leeds (2016)
Fiona Gilchrist. The impact of dental caries and dental care in children (2015) NIHR doctoral research fellowship
Samiya Subka. Validity and acceptability of approximal caries diagnosis in primary teeth (2015)
Nicola Parkin. Open versus Closed exposure of canine teeth (2012)
Paul Dawson. Social construction of dental decay (2012)
Maryam Bahrami. An investigation into the implementation of clinical guidelines in the general dental services. University of Dundee (2004).
- Grants
2017 NIHR Health Technology Assessment
The MAGIC trial (Melatonin for Anxiety prior to General anaesthesia In Children): A Randomised Controlled Trial of Melatonin Versus Midazolam in the Premedication of Anxious Children Attending for Elective Dental and ENT Surgery Under General Anaesthesia
Award holders: Deery C, Bolt R et al
2017 NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship
The implementation and acceptability of a Minimum Intervention Care plan for carious
permanent teeth in children attending NHS dental practice – a feasibility study.
Award holders: Dawett B, Deery C, Marshman Z, Banerjee A.
2017 Elizabeth de Souza Rocha awarded a scholarship from the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES Foundation), Ministry of Education of Brazil, to conduct part of his doctoral research as a Visiting Student.
2019 NIHR Health Technology Assessment
Selective Caries Removal in Permanent Teeth (SCRIPT)
Award holders: Clarkson J, Ramsay C, et al
2019 Colgate Robin Davies /Oral Dental Research Trust DCP - Research Awards
The Acceptability and Implementation of digital photography to inform and motivate patients in NHS dental practice – a feasibility study.
Brady L.R, Ward N, Dawett B, Leighton P, Blake H, Deery C.
2020 NIHR Health Technology Assessment
Pulpotomy for the management of irreversible pulpitis in mature teeth (Pulpotomy for Irreversible Pulpitis - PIP Trial)
Award holders: Clarkson J, Ramsay C, et al
2020 Raíza Freitas awarded a scholarship from the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES Foundation), Ministry of Education of Brazil, to conduct part of her doctoral research as a Visiting Student (£10,662).
2020 FDS RCSEng - British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (FDS-BSPD) 2020 Pump-Priming Grants Scheme
Children as co-designers: innovating research into the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride for caries management.
Award holders: Timms L, Marshman Z, Hatton P, Rodd HD, Deery C.
- Teaching activities
- I teach undergraduate dental and dental hygiene and dental therapy students in all years. I also lecture BSc students.
- I teach masters and DClinDent students
- I am a Clinical Supervisor and Educational Supervisor for NHS staff in training
- Examiner Tri-collegiate Membership in Paediatric Dentistry
- Examiner MFDS RCS Edinburgh
- RCS Ed Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry for Dental Therapists
- I provide continuing professional development and keynote lectures Nationally and Internationally.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Emeritus Editor, International Journal of Peadiatric Dentistry 2018-present
- Member Editorial Board Dental Update 2013-present
- Member Editorial Board Evidence-Based Dentistry 2020-present
- Member Editorial Board BMC Oral Health 2021-present
- Member Dental Schools Council 2015-present
- Member Tricollegiate Tri-collegiate Membership in Paediatric Dentistry Board 2011-present
- Membership of the following organisations:
- Association for Dental Education in Europe
- British Dental Association
- British Division of the International Association for Dental Research
- British Society of Paediatric Dentistry 2000-2004
- Cochrane Collaboration Oral Health Group
- European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
- European Organisation for Caries Research
- Higher Education Academy
- International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
- Royal Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland.