UNISON-funded project on public sector employment and union organising
This research aims to support UNISON in understanding long-term workforce and management trends in public services, across the public, private and voluntary sectors of the UK economy.

Project overview
Dr Katy Fox-Hodess, Dr Gregoris Ioannou and Dr Andrew Smith have been awarded funding by the trade union UNISON to analyse long-term workforce and management trends across public services in order to inform and impact the union’s approach to recruitment and organising.
The research aims to support UNISON, the largest public services trade union organisation in the United Kingdom, with over 1.3 million members in 1,000 branches, in understanding long-term workforce and management trends in public services, across the public, private and voluntary sectors of the UK economy. The research forms part of a broader initiative by UNISON to develop a national Organising and Recruitment Strategy across the whole union in order to deploy resources effectively to grow power and influence for members both in sectors and workplaces where the union is recognised and in strategically expanding areas such as early years and social care.
This mixed-methods project utilises interviews with UNISON’s national officers, local and regional organisers and activists, and focus groups with members, in conjunction with a review of existing data held by the union and external bodies, in order to support UNISON in its efforts to promote and establish a member-led union through identifying both barriers and opportunities for effective and inclusive organising.