Productivity Insights Network
As a multi-disciplinary network of social science researchers engaged with public, private, and third sector partners, the aim is to change the tone of the productivity debate in theory and practice.

Productivity Insights Network (PIN)
Project description
PIN was established in January 2018 and is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). As a multi-disciplinary network of social science researchers engaged with public, private, and third sector partners, the aim is to change the tone of the productivity debate in theory and practice. It is led by the University of Sheffield, with co-investigators at the Cambridge Econometrics, Cardiff University, Durham University, University of Sunderland, SQW, University of Cambridge, University of Essex, University of Glasgow, and the University of Leeds. Kirsty Newsome is a Co-investigator to the project and leads the ‘Work and Employment’ theme. The three-year programme of work to December 2020 aims to provide new insights on the productivity puzzle in the UK. The PIN network is committed to growing the Productivity Insights Network through the participation of academic, public, private, and third sector partners who bring new insights to the productivity debate.
Project website
Connect with the project by visiting the project website.
Key research outputs
Access a range of PIN outputs on the PIN website.