Our projects

A ticking ‘social timebomb?’ An investigation into racial bias in court case outcomes in England and Wales
Angela Sorsby
An ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) Research Fellowship funded by the ESRC.
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Bhutan justice project
Mark Brown
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Changing the course of justice for victims and offenders
Professor Joanna Shapland
Almost 20 years ago, in 2001, Professor Joanna Shapland and her research team at the University of Sheffield took on a momentous research project. They were to evaluate three restorative justice schemes involving serious offences in England and Wales and the effect they had on perpetrators’ reoffending and victims’ needs. This research was the first major evaluation of its kind in the world. Two decades later this work has moved further afield and is now changing the way Scotland approaches rehabilitation and justice.
Courtroom practices in the postcolony
Arushi Garg
This programme of research seeks to understand courtroom practices in Indian trial courts,
focusing specifically on the role and experience of prosecutors, judges and victims.
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Digitalisation and criminal justice
Layla Skinns and Lindsey Rice
Digitalisation and criminal justice is an area of emerging interest for academics in the Centre for Criminological research, who are examining it both empirically and theoretically
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Gendering police custody
In 2018, a team of researchers from the Universities of Sheffield, Warwick and Cardiff came together to explore their shared interests in police custody/power/dignity (Dr Layla Skinns); detainee treatment/rights (Prof Jackie Hodgson); gender/ criminal justice (Prof Vanessa Munro), vulnerability/Welsh criminal justice (Dr. Roxanna Dehaghani), police custody/criminal justice statistics (Dr Angela Sorsby); campaigning for women detainee dignity (Katie Kempen/Sherry Ralph, CEO of the Independent Custody Visitors Association (ICVA)).
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
'Good' police custody: Influencing policy custody policy and practice
This will be one of the first studies to rigorously examine ‘good’ police custody and to map out changes to police custody arrangements on a national basis.
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR) and Impact on Society
Policing drugs in a rapidly changing environment: Challenges, innovation and reform (2018-20) (BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant)
Matthew Bacon
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Postcolonial penalities
Mark Brown
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
Private military veterans
Adam White
This project explores the life-course of the private military veteran – a new category
of veteran whose origins lie in the post-9/11 War on Terror.
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)
War in peacetime: Investigating urban violence and social trauma
The main aim of this project is to examine life in cities experiencing high levels of violence in non-war contexts with investigations in both high and low violent crime cities in Europe, the US, and Latin America.
Categorised under: Centre for Criminological Research (CCR)