Trauma and Violence Against Women and Girls: Reflections following a systematic review of evidence

Event details
Event title: Trauma and Violence Against Women and Girls: Reflections following a systematic review of evidence
Date of event: Wednesday 17 May 2023
Event Time: 4.30pm-7pm
Speaker: Dr Anthony Ellis, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of Lincoln
Event Location: Hybrid event
- On-campus - Bartolome House (Moot Court) - School of Law, Winter Street, Sheffield S3 7ND (TBC)
- Online - Joining links will be sent the day before the event
Whilst it is helpful if you use the Eventbrite to indicate in advance if you are attending, you are also very welcome to turn up in-person on the day of the event and without pre-booking. You will need to pre-book the online attendance though as we will need to know where to send the joining link.
The Centre for Criminological Research is pleased to host Dr Anthony Ellis to discuss, Trauma and Violence Against Women and Girls: Reflections following a systematic review of evidence
Event abstract: Violence against women and girls is a broad umbrella term that encompasses a variety of discrete, but potentially overlapping, forms. It is widely regarded as a global issue, that, according to the United Nations, effects one in three women and presents a significant threat to public health. In the US, for example, research suggests violence committed by a partner is one of the leading causes of non-fatal injuries in adult women. Despite increased recognition in recent years in domestic law, international conventions and declarations, evidence suggests it remains pervasive and under-reported, with doubts over whether greater recognition of the issue has translated into behavioural change conducive to lowering rates of violence towards women and girls. Within debates focused on ending violence against women and girls, trauma-informed and trauma-specific responses have been identified by some researchers as vital in the effective treatment of victims, but crucially perpetrators. This seminar provides some reflections following completion of a systematic review of evidence addressing the relationship between trauma and violence against women and girls that was commissioned to inform the Northern Ireland Executive Office’s strategic development in this area.
Speaker Bio: Anthony Ellis is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Lincoln, UK. His research interests include male violence, violence against women and girls, homicide, social harm, and criminological theory. He is currently principal investigator on a Home Office funded project in collaboration with Lincolnshire Police focused on homicide prevention. Anthony has been awarded two prizes from the British Society of Criminology for his research and writing. In 2016 his monograph on male violence in de-industrialised communities in the North of England and, in 2020, his co-authored blog addressing rising rates of higher harm violence in several of England's cities, were awarded critical criminology book of the year and blog of the year respectively.
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