All courses A - Z / Undergraduate Study



Accounting and Financial Management (BA) MGTU12

Accounting and Financial Management and Economics (BA) MGTU16

Aerospace Engineering (BEng) MACU002 / AERU11

Aerospace Engineering (MEng) MACU001 / AERU10

Aerospace Engineering (Private Pilot Instruction) (BEng) MACU003 / AERU12

Aerospace Engineering (Private Pilot Instruction) (MEng) MACU004 / AERU13

Aerospace Engineering with a Year in North America (MEng) AERU16

Aerospace Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) MACU006 / AERU15

Aerospace Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU005 / AERU14

Applied Social Sciences (BA) EDCU004 / SMIU02

Applied Social Sciences with Criminology (BA) SMIU08

Applied Social Sciences with Education, Culture and Childhood (BA) SMIU10

Applied Social Sciences with Foundation Year (BAHons) EDCU009 / SMIU99

Applied Social Sciences with Human Geography (BA) SMIU04

Applied Social Sciences with Politics (BA) SMIU07

Applied Social Sciences with Social Policy (BA) SMIU06

Applied Social Sciences with Sociology (BA) SMIU05

Architectural Engineering (BEng) CIVU24

Architectural Engineering (MEng) MACU013 / CIVU21

Architectural Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU017 / CIVU31

Architecture (BA) ALAU002 / ARCU103

Architecture and Landscape (BA) ALAU001 / ARCU102

Architecture and Town and Regional Planning (MArch) ALAU003 / ARCU127

Architectural Studies (BA) ARCU105


Biochemistry (BSc) BISU11 / MBBU04

Biochemistry (MBiolSci) BISU13 / MBBU17

Biochemistry with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) BISU12 / MBBU104

Biochemistry with an Industrial Placement Year (MBiolSci) BISU14

Biochemistry and Genetics (BSc) MBBU09

Biochemistry and Genetics (MBiolSci) MBBU18

Biochemistry and Genetics with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MBBU109

Biochemistry and Microbiology (BSc) MBBU10

Biochemistry and Microbiology (MBiolSci) MBBU19

Bio-Dental Science and Technology (BSc) DENU23

Biological Sciences (BSc) BISU16

Biological Sciences (MBiolSci) BISU18

Biological Sciences with Foundation Year (BSc) BISU17

Biological Sciences with Placement Year (BSc) BISU20 / APSU36

Biological Sciences with Placement Year (MBiolSci) BISU21 / APSU37

Biology (BSc) APSU13

Biology (MBiolSci) APSU14

Biology with Foundation Year (BSc) APSU35

Biomedical Engineering (BEng) CMBU002 / BIEU20

Biomedical Engineering (MEng) CMBU001 / BIEU19

Biomedical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) CMBU004 / BIEU22

Biomedical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) CMBU003 / BIEU21

Biomedical Science (BSc) BISU05 / BMSU02

Biomedical Science (MBiolMedSci) BISU06 / BMSU07

Biomedical Science with a Year Abroad (BSc) BMSU22

Biomedical Science with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) BISU07 / BMSU23

Biomedical Science with an Industrial Placement Year (MBiolMedSci) BISU08 / BMSU24

Biomedical Science with Foundation Year (BSc) BISU09 / BMSU25

Business Management (BA) MGTU11

Business Management and Economics (BA) MGTU15

Business Management and Japanese Studies (BA) MGTU19

Business Management and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU022 / MDLU14

Business Management with Foundation Year (BA) MGTU39


Chemical Engineering (BEng) CMBU006 / CPEU02

Chemical Engineering (MEng) CPEU03

Chemical Engineering (MEng) CMBU008 / CPEU39

Chemical Engineering with a Year in Australasia (MEng) CPEU30

Chemical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) CMBU007 / CPEU29

Chemical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) CMBU009 / CPEU40

Chemical Engineering with Biological Engineering (MEng) CPEU16

Chemical Engineering with Energy (MEng) CPEU05

Chemical Engineering with Nuclear Technology (MEng) CPEU18

Chemical Engineering with Pharmaceutical Engineering (MEng) CPEU31

Chemistry (BSc) MPSU001 / CHMU01

Chemistry (MChem) MPSU002 / CHMU02

Chemistry with a Year in Industry (MChem) MPSU003 / CHMU07

Chemistry with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MPSU004 / CHMU12

Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (BSc) MPSU006 / CHMU18

Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (MChem) MPSU005 / CHMU17

Chinese Studies (BA) LASU003 / EASU09

Chinese Studies and Business Management (BA) LASU005 / EASU11

Chinese Studies and History (BA) LASU009 / EASU23

Chinese Studies with Foundation Year (BA) LASU012 / EASU30

Chinese Studies with Japanese (BA) LASU006 / EASU13

Chinese Studies with Russian (BA) LASU008 / EASU20

Civil and Structural Engineering (MEng) MACU008 / CIVU03

Civil and Structural Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU016 / CIVU30

Civil Engineering (BEng) MACU012 / CIVU17

Civil Engineering (MEng) MACU011 / CIVU16

Civil Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) MACU015 / CIVU27

Civil Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU014 / CIVU26

Combined Studies (Society and Culture) with Foundation Year (Cert HE) EDCU001 / ACEU85H

Computer Science (BSc) COMU101

Computer Science (MComp) COMU103

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (BSc) COMU117

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (MComp) COMU119

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) COMU39

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with an Industrial Placement Year (MComp) COMU38

Computer Science (Software Engineering) (BEng) COMU05

Computer Science (Software Engineering) (MEng) COMU06

Computer Science (Software Engineering) with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) COMU43

Computer Science (Software Engineering) with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) COMU42

Computer Science with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) COMU41

Computer Science with an Industrial Placement Year (MComp) COMU40

Computer Systems Engineering (BEng) ELEU001 / ACSU01

Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) ELEU002 / ACSU02

Computer Systems Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) ELEU008 / ACSU45

Computer Systems Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) ELEU007 / ACSU44

Criminology (BA) SLWU005 / LAWU17

Criminology with Foundation Year (BA) SLWU008 / LAWU28


Data Science (BSc) INJC001 / INFU06

Dental Science (BSc) DENU22

Dental Studies (BSc) DENU08

Dental Surgery (BDS) DENU07

Dental Surgery (BDS) DENU107

Digital Media and Society (BAHons) SPRU010 / SCSU10


East Asian Studies (BA) LASU002 / EASU02

East Asian Studies (CPD) LASU032 / EASU26

East Asian Studies with Foundation Year (BA) LASU011 / EASU27

Ecology and Conservation Biology (MBiolSci) APSU15

Ecology and Conservation Biology with Placement Year (BSc) APSU40

Ecology and Conservation Biology with Placement Year (MBiolSci) APSU41

Economics (BA) ECNU02

Economics (BSc) ECNU14

Economics and Mathematics (BSc) ECNU16

Economics and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU021 / MDLU13

Economics and Politics (BA) ECNU08

Economics with Finance (BSc) ECNU23

Education, Culture and Childhood (BA) EDCU002 / EDUU01

Education, Culture and Childhood with Foundation Year (BA) EDCU003 / EDUU99

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BEng) ELEU011 / EEEU59

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MEng) ELEU010 / EEEU58

Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) ELEU013 / EEEU66

Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) ELEU012 / EEEU65

Electrical Engineering (BEng) EEEU01

Electronic and Computer Engineering (BEng) ELEU014 / EEEU74

Electronic Engineering (BEng) EEEU05

Electronic and Computer Engineering (MEng) ELEU009 / EEEU12

Electronic and Computer Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) EEEU75

Electronic and Computer Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) EEEU53

Engineering Manufacturing Technician (Apprenticeship) AMRU25

English and History - Linguistics Track (BA) EGHU008 / LITU03

English and History - Literature Track (BA) EGHU008 / LITU03

English and History with Foundation Year (BA) EGHU013 / LITU21

English and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU016 / MDLU07

English and Music - Linguistics Track (BA) EGHU009 / LITU04

English and Music - Literature Track (BA) EGHU009 / LITU04

English and Philosophy (BA) EGHU010 / LITU05

English and Philosophy with Foundation Year (BA) EGHU014 / LITU22

English Language and Linguistics (BA) EGHU001 / ELLU03

English Language and Linguistics with Foundation Year (BA) EGHU006 / ELLU99

English Language and Literature (BA) EGHU004 / ELLU14

English Language and Literature with Foundation Year (BA) EGHU005 / ELLU98

English Literature (BA) EGHU007 / LITU01

English Literature with Foundation Year (BA) EGHU015 / LITU99

Environmental Science (BSc) GPLU006 / GEOU211

Environmental Science (MEnvSci) GPLU005 / GEOU210

Environmental Science with Foundation Year (BSc) GPLU009 / GEOU98


Financial Mathematics (BSc) MPSU010 / MASU05

Foundation Year - Aerospace Engineering MACU007 / AERU98

Foundation Year - Bioengineering CMBU005 / BIEU99

Foundation Year - Chemical Engineering CMBU010 / CPEU99

Foundation Year - Chemistry CHMU99

Foundation Year - Civil and Structural Engineering MACU018 / CIVU99

Foundation Year - Computer Science COMU199

Foundation Year - Electrical and Electronic Engineering ELEU015 / EEEU99

Foundation Year - Engineering Materials CMBU014 / MATU99

Foundation Year - Mechanical Engineering MACU023 / MECU99

Foundation Year - Physics MPSU040 / PHYU99

Foundation Year - Robotics ELEU021 / ACSU99


General Engineering (Apprenticeship) (Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC) AMRU27

General Engineering (BEng) ELEU018 / GEEU03

General Engineering (MEng) ELEU016 / GEEU01

General Engineering (Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC) AMRU28

General Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) ELEU020 / GEEU25

General Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) ELEU017 / GEEU02

Genetics (BSc) MBBU01

Genetics (MBiolSci) MBBU20

Genetics with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MBBU101

Geography (BA) GPLU001 / GEOU04

Geography (BSc) GPLU003 / GEOU202

Geography (MGeogSci) GPLU002 / GEOU19

Geography and Planning (BA) GPLU013 / TRPU107

Geography and Planning with Foundation Year (BA) GPLU016 / TRPU99

Geography with Foundation Year (BA) GPLU010 / GEOU99

Geography with Foundation Year (BSc) GPLU008 / GEOU97

Global Sustainable Development (BAHons) GPLU004 / GEOU21

Global Sustainable Development with Foundation Year (BA) GPLU007 / GEOU96

Graduate Entry Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) SMPU002 / MDEU02


History (BA) HPHU003 / HSTU01

History and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU018 / MDLU09

History and Modern Languages and Cultures with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU011 / HSTU36

History and Music (BA) HPHU009 / HSTU26

History and Philosophy (BA) HPHU004 / HSTU07

History and Philosophy with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU012 / HSTU37

History and Politics (BA) HPHU005 / HSTU105

History and Politics with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU010 / HSTU35

History and Sociology (BA) HPHU006 / HSTU117

History with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU013 /HSTU99


Intelligent Systems and Control Engineering (BEng) ACSU03

Intelligent Systems and Control Engineering (MEng) ACSU04

Intelligent Systems and Control Engineering with Year in Industry (MEng)  ACSU40

International Business Management with Study Abroad (BA) MGTU31

International Relations and Politics (BA) SPRU004 / POLU05

International Relations and Politics with Foundation Year (BA) SPRU007 / POLU39


Japanese Studies (BA) LASU001 / EASU01

Japanese Studies and History (BA) LASU010 / EASU24

Japanese Studies with Foundation Year (BA) LASU013 / EASU31

Journalism Studies (BA) IJCU002 / JNLU01

Journalism Studies with Foundation Year (BA) IJCU003 / JNLU07


Korean Studies (BA) LASU004 / EASU10

Korean Studies with Foundation Year (BA) LASU014 / EASU32

Korean Studies with Japanese (BA) LASU007 / EASU14


Landscape Architecture (BA) ALAU004/ LSCU112

Landscape Architecture (BSc) ALAU005 / LSCU113

Landscape Architecture (MLA) ALAU007 / LSCU116

Landscape Architecture with Foundation Year (BA) ALAU006 / LSCU115

Landscape Architecture with Foundation Year (MLA) ALAU008 / LSCU117

Law (BA) LAWU107

Law (LLB) SLWU001 / LAWU101

Law and Criminology (LLB) SLWU003 / LAWU115

Law (DTP Taylors) (LLB) LAWU21

Law (European and International) (LLB) SLWU004 / LAWU116

Law (Graduate Programme) (LLB) SLWU009

Law (with Chinese Law) (LLB) SLWU006 / LAWU20

Law with Foundation Year (LLB) SLWU007 / LAWU27

Law (with French Law) (LLB) LAWU114

Law (with German Law) (LLB) LAWU113

Law (with Spanish Law) (LLB) SLW002 / LAWU112

Linguistics and Japanese Studies (BA) EGHU003 / ELLU10

Linguistics and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU017 / MDLU08

Linguistics and Philosophy (BA) EGHU002 / ELLU09


Maintenance Engineering (BEng) AMRU12

Maintenance Engineering (FdEng) AMRU06

Maintenance Engineering (Apprenticeship) (BEng) AMRU13

Maintenance Engineering (Apprenticeship) (FdEng) AMRU07

Maintenance Engineering (Degree Top Up - Apprenticeship) (BEng) AMRU19

Manufacturing Operations (Part-time) (HNC) AMRU26

Manufacturing Technology (FdEng) AMRU05

Manufacturing Technology (Apprenticeship) (FdEng) AMRU21

Manufacturing Technology (Apprenticeship Rolls-Royce) (FdEng) AMRU23

Manufacturing Technology (Degree Top Up) (BEng) AMRU16

Manufacturing Technology (Degree Top Up - Apprenticeship) (BEng) AMRU17

Manufacturing Technology (Top Up) (Apprenticeship Rolls-Royce) (BEng) AMRU24

Materials Science and Engineering (BEng) CMBU011 / MATU05

Materials Science and Engineering (MEng) MATU06

Materials Science and Engineering (MEng) CMBU013 / MATU46

Materials Science and Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) CMBU012 / MATU44

Mathematics (BSc) MPSU008 / MASU01

Mathematics (MMath) MPSU009 / MASU02

Mathematics and Philosophy (BSc) MPSU014 / MASU25

Mathematics and Statistics (BSc) MPSU016 / MASU38

Mathematics and Statistics (MMath) MPSU017 / MASU39

Mathematics and Statistics with Placement Year (BScHons) MPSU020 / MASU42

Mathematics and Statistics with Placement Year (MMath) MPSU021 / MASU43

Mathematics with a Year Abroad (MMath) MASU15

Mathematics with French Language (BScHons) MASU19

Mathematics with French Language (MMath) MSPU012 / MASU13

Mathematics with German Language (BScHons) MASU20

Mathematics with German Language (MMath) MPSU013 / MASU14

Mathematics with Placement Year (BScHons) MPSU018 / MASU40

Mathematics with Placement Year (MMath) MPSU019 / MASU41

Mathematics with Spanish Language (BscHons) MASU18

Mathematics with Spanish Language (MMath) MPSU011/ MASU12

Mechanical Engineering (BEng) MACU019 / MECU002

Mechanical Engineering (MEng) MECU001

Mechanical Engineering (MEng) MACU021 / MECU026

Mechanical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) MACU020 / MECU015

Mechanical Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU022 / MECU027

Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics (MEng) MECU023

Mechanical Manufacture (BEng) AMRU08

Mechanical Manufacture (FdEng) AMRU03

Mechanical Manufacture (Apprenticeship) (BEng) AMRU09

Mechanical Manufacture (Apprenticeship) (FdEng) AMRU20

Mechanical Manufacture (Degree Top Up) (BEng) AMRU14

Mechanical Manufacture (Degree Top Up - Apprenticeship) (BEng) AMRU15

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering (BEng) ELEU004 / ACSU15

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering (MEng) ELEU003 / ACSU14

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (BEng) ELEU006 / ACSU43

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) ELEU005 / ACSU42

Medical Biochemistry (MBiolSci) MBBU22

Medical Genetics (BSc) MBBU29

Medical Genetics (MBiolSci) MBBU30

Medical Microbiology (BSc) MBBU31

Medical Microbiology (MBiolSci) MBBU32

Medical Microbiology with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MBBU131

Medical Sciences Research (BMedSci) SMPU005 / MEDU19

Medical Sciences Research (Summer) (BMedSci) SMPU003 / MEDU119

Medical Sciences (Surgery) (BSc) SMPU004 / MEDU129

Medicine (MBChB) SMPU001 / MDEU01

Microbiology (BSc) MBBU02

Microbiology (MBiolSci) MBBU23

Microbiology with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MBBU112

Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU015 / MDLU06

Modern Languages and Cultures with Foundation Year (BA) LASU024 / MDLU16

Modern Languages Teaching Centre (CPD) LASU033 / MLTU01

Molecular Biology (BSc) MBBU03

Molecular Biology (MBiolSci) MBBU24

Molecular Biology with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MBBU113

Music (BMus) LASU025 / MUSU01

Music and Korean Studies (BA) LASU030 / MUSU06

Music and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU019 / MDLU10

Music and Philosophy (BA) LASU026 / MUSU03

Music with Foundation Year (BMus) LASU028 / MUSU13


Nuclear Manufacturing (Apprenticeship) (FdEng) AMRU30

Nursing (Adult) (BMedSci) HESU005 / NURU149

Nursing (Adult) (Apprenticeship route) (BMedSci) NURU154

Nursing (Adult) with Foundation Year (BMedSci) NURU197

Nursing (Adult) with Foundation Year (BMedSci) HESU011 / NURU198

Nursing and Midwifery (CPD) HESU004 / NURU213

Nursing Associate (Apprenticeship) (Foundation Degree) NURU152


Orthoptics (BMedSci) HESU014 / OPHU03

Orthoptics with Foundation Year (BMedSci) HESU015 / OPHU04


Pharmacy (MPharm) HESU003

Pharmacy with Preparatory Year (MPharm) HESU007

Philosophy (BA) HPHU014 / PHIU01

Philosophy and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU020 / MDLU11

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (BA) HPHU017 / RELU06

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU018 / RELU16

Philosophy with Foundation Year (BA) HPHU016 / PHIU99

Physics (BSc) MPSU022 / PHYU01

Physics (MPhys) MPSU023 / PHYU02

Physics and Astrophysics (BSc) MPSU026 / PHYU06

Physics and Astrophysics (MPhys) MPSU028 / PHYU11

Physics and Astrophysics with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MPSU036 / PHYU42

Physics and Astrophysics with an Industrial Placement Year (MPhys) MPSU037 / PHYU43

Physics and Astrophysics with Study Abroad (MPhys) PHYU25

Physics with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MPSU032 / PHYU38

Physics with an Industrial Placement Year (MPhys) MPSU033 / PHYU39

Physics with Medical Physics (BSc) MPSU025 / PHYU05

Physics with Medical Physics (MPhys) MPSU028 / PHYU10

Physics with Particle Physics (BSc) MPSU039 / PHYU45

Physics with Particle Physics (MPhys) MPSU038 / PHYU44

Physics with Philsophy (BSc) MPSU029 / PHYU14

Physics with Philsophy (MPhys) MPSU031 / PHYU30

Physics with Study Abroad (MPhys) PHYU23

Plant Sciences (BSc) APSU05

Plant Sciences (MBiolSci) APSU16

Plant Sciences with Placement Year (BSc) APSU38

Plant Sciences with Placement Year (MBiolSci) APSU39

Politics (BA) SPRU001 / POLU01

Politics and Modern Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU023 / MDLU15

Politics and Philosophy (BA) SPRU003 / POLU04

Politics and Philosophy with Foundation Year (BA) SPRU006 / POLU38

Politics and Sociology (BA) SPRU002 / POLU02

Politics, Philosophy and Economics (BA) EDCU007 / SMIU37

Politics, Philosophy and Economics (BSc) EDCU008 / SMIU38

Politics with Foundation Year (BA) SPRU005 / POLU31

Psychology (BSc) PSYU01

Psychology with Foundation Year (BSc) PSYU99

Psychology with Placement Year (BSc) PHYU09


Quantitative Social Science (BA) SMIU01

Quantitative Social Science (BSc) SMIU101

Quantitative Social Sciences (Criminology) (BSc) SMIU102

Quantitative Social Sciences (Management) (BSc) SMIU103

Quantitative Social Sciences (Politics) (BSc) SMIU104

Quantitative Social Sciences (Sociology) (BSc) SMIU105


School of Languages and Cultures (BA) LASU031 / MDLU05

Sociology (BA) SPRU008 / SCSU01

Sociology with Criminology (BAHons) SCSU07

Sociology with Criminology with Foundation Year (BA) SCSU11

Sociology with Foundation Year (BA) SCSU99

Sociology with Social Policy (BAHons) SPRU009 / SCSU08

Speech and Language Therapy (BMedSci) HESU001 / HCSU06

Speech and Language Therapy (Degree Apprenticeship) (BSc) HCSU09

Speech and Language Therapy with Foundation Year (BMedSci) HESU002 / HCSU07

Statistics (Graduate Cert) MPSU015 / MASU34

Structural Engineering and Architecture (MEng) MACU010 / CIVU12

Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement Year (MEng) MACU009 / CIVU112

Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies (BEng) CIVU20

Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies (MEng) CIVU19


Theoretical Physics (BSc) MPSU024 / PHYU04

Theoretical Physics (MPhys) MPSU030 / PHYU16

Theoretical Physics with an Industrial Placement Year (BSc) MPSU034 / PHYU40

Theoretical Physics with an Industrial Placement Year (MPhys) MPSU035 / PHYU41

Theoretical Physics with Study Abroad (MPhys) PHYU24


Urban Studies (BA) GPLU011 / TRPU103

Urban Studies and Planning (MPlan) GPLU012 / TRPU105

Urban Studies and Planning with Foundation Year (MPlan) GPLU014 / TRPU97

Urban Studies with Foundation Year (BA) GPLU015 / TRPU98


Visiting Medical Electives BISU28 / VISU12


Zoology (BSc) BISU01 / APSU06

Zoology (MBiolSci) BISU02 / APSU17

Zoology with Placement Year (BSc) BISU03 / APSU42

Zoology with Placement Year (MBiolSci) BISU04 / APSU43

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