International Visit from Professor Alexander Leischnig

Professor Alexander Leischnig visits Sheffield from Germany to meet with academics and deliver a research seminar.

Alexander Leischnig and BRISTT academics.

BRISTT recently hosted an academic visit by Professor Alexander Leischnig, Chair of Business-to-Business Marketing at Technische Universität Freiberg, Germany.

During his visit, Professor Leischnig delivered a research seminar entitled, ‘Configuration Theory as an Enquiry System’ based on his extensive work in this field. He also provided Sheffield University Management School researchers with an introduction to the The Behavioral Research Lab at Technische Universität Freiberg, Germany, and led a discussion for participants to share their experiences of lab-based experimental research and develop ideas for new studies. He was later given a tour of the iLab research facility in The Wave before holding one-to-one meetings with individual researchers to discuss their work.

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