Dr Chiara Assunta Corbino
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Honorary Research Fellow

Full contact details
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Minalloy House
10-16 Regent Street
S1 3NJ
- Qualifications
- 2010- PhD – University of Siena
- 2004- Laurea in Lettere – University of Florence
- Research interests
My research is mainly focused on animal husbandry, bird exploitation, taphonomy and climate change.
In the last four years, I have dedicated particular attention to the study of bird remains from the Roman period to the end of the Middle Ages in Italy. My studies were also concentrated on the analyses of amphibians and reptiles from domestic as well as ritual contexts.
I have worked as part of several international research teams as the zooarchaeologist in charge of projects in both Italy and Jordan.
I have studied the diet of the Crusaders and husbandry patterns in the Petra Valley.
Recently I have also worked in the north of Jordan, working on the zooarchaeology of the Mamluk period.
In Italy my studies have focused mainly on the comparison between urban and rural sites in Tuscany (central Italy) and on landscape modifications and animal exploitation in Basilicata (southern Italy).
My main areas of interest include-
- Animal husbandry
- Exploitation of birds
- Middle East fauna
- Ritual use of animals
- Biometry
- Taphonomy
Research projects / collaborations
- 2013 – Present- ‘Madaba Plain Project’, Byzantine/Mamluk period, Faunal analyst at Tell Hesban (Jordan),
- Project Directors- Prof Oystein La Binaca (Andrews University), Prof Bethany Walker (University of Bonn).
- 2012 – Present- “Cetamura del Chianti (Tuscany, Italy)”. Etruscan – Roman period. (University of State of Florida)
- 2011 – 2012- “Torre di Satriano (Basilicata, Italy)”. Archaic period.
- Project Director- Prof Massimo Osanna (School of Specialization in Archaeology of Matera, University of Basilicata, Italy).
- 2009 – 2010- “VII Regio. Elsa Valley during the Roman Age and Late Antiquity”
- Project Director- Prof Marco Cavalieri (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium).
- 2005 – 2007- “Medieval Petra. Archaeology of the Crusader-Ayyubid settlement in Transjordan”
- Project Director- Prof Guido Vannini (University of Florence, Italy).
- Grants
Grants and Fellowships
- 2014 – 2016- ‘Marie Curie Intra-European fellowship’(FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF), University of Sheffield: ‘HUBIR: Human-bird interactions from the Roman period to the end of the Middle Ages: Italy and England in their European context’.
- 2013- ‘Premio Laura Sabatini: migliore opera di Archeologia Medievale’ (Laura Sabatini PhD dissertation prize in Medieval Archaeology), University of Florence.
- 2009- ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ fellowship for cultural and linguistic training in England, Provincia di Matera (Italy).
- 2008- MOBY.D.I.K research grant, ‘Percorsi individuali di mobilità geografica in contesti accademici’ (Mobility in the academic context), supported by European Community Funds, Regione Basilicata (Italy).
- 2008- Fellowship: “Rilevamento e Studio dei reperti archeozoologici/faunistici del Sito di Castel Vaiolo (GR)” (Assessment and study of zooarchaeological remains of Castel Vaiolo, GR, Italy)- University of Florence.
- 2007- Fellowship: “Caratteri insediativi della società feudale mediterranea. Analisi archeologiche delle documentazioni di scavo relative alla campagna 2006 sulle aree incasellate di Shawbak, nella Transgiordania crociata, Modogliana, Calenzano e Arcidosso”, University of Florence.
- Professional activities and memberships
- 2010 – Present- International Council of Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
- 2005 – Present- Associazione Italiana di Archeozoologia (AIAZ) (Italian Association of Archaeozoology).
- 2005 – Present- Gruppo Italiano per le Ricerche sul Quaternario (GIRQA) (Italian Group for Quaternary Research).
- Selected Publications
- 2013 Corbino C.A. and P. Mazza, Faunal remains at the castle of Al-Wu’Ayra, in Petra, and at the castle of Shawbak (crusaders’ period), Studies in the History and the Archaeology of Jordan XI, Amman, pp.159-164.
- 2011 Affuso A. and C.A. Corbino. Ambiente e strategie economiche nel Metapontino dal Neolitico al Medioevo, Studi per l’Ecologia del Quaternario, Firenze, pp. 15-25.
- 2010 Corbino C.A. and P. Mazza. Il castello di Shawbak (Giordania): prime analisi archeozoologiche, in Tagliacozzo, A., in Fiore, I., Marconi, S., Tecchiati, U. (eds) Atti del 5° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia, Rovereto, pp.395-400.
- 2009 Mazza P., Corbino C.A., Franchi R., Gobbi L. and G. Raffaelli, Archaeological data representation and management: archaeometry and environment, in Vannini G. and M. Nucciotti (eds) Da Petra a Shawback. Archeologia di una frontiera Firenze, Giunti Editore, pp. 176-177.
- 2009 Corbino, C.A., I reperti faunistici e l'ambiente della Rocca, in G. Vannini (ed) Rocca Ricciarda, dai Guidi ai Ricasoli. Storia e archeologia di un castrum medievale nel Pratomagno aretino, Firenze, SEF, pp. 317-328.
- 2009 Mazza P. and C.A., Corbino. How and Where did Shawbak Castle’s people live? The faunal remains from the area 6000c, Studies in the History and the Archaeology of Jordan IX, Amman, pp. 679-684.
- 2007 Buonincontri, M.P., Corbino, C.A., Di Pasquale, G., Donnini, D., Mori Secci, M., Pecci, A., Pignattelli, S., Salvini, L. and M. Terzani, Approccio integrato allo studio dell’alimentazione e dell’ambiente a Firenze nel XIII secolo: risultati preliminari, in Francovich, R., Cantini, F., Cianferoni, C., and E. Scampoli (eds) Firenze prima degli Uffizi. Lo scavo di via de’ Castellani: contributi per un’archeologia urbana fra tardo antico ed età moderna, Firenze, pp. 666-686.
- 2007 Corbino, C.A. I resti osteologici animali: problemi e prospettive di un contesto urbano, in Francovich, R., Cantini, F., Cianferoni, C., and E. Scampoli (eds) Firenze prima degli Uffizi. Lo scavo di via de’ Castellani: contributi per un’archeologia urbana fra tardo antico ed età moderna, Firenze, pp. 650-665.
- 2007 Corbino C. A. Manufatti in osso, in Francovich, R., Cantini, F., Cianferoni, C., and E. Scampoli (eds) Firenze prima degli Uffizi. Lo scavo di via de’ Castellani: contributi per un’archeologia urbana fra tardo antico ed età moderna, Firenze, pp. 645-649.
- 2007 Mazza, P., and C.A. Corbino. Reperti osteologici animali, in G. Vannini (ed), Archeologia dell’insediamento Crociato-Ayyubide in Transgiordania. Il progetto Shawbak, biblioteca di “Archeologia Medievale”, 21, Firenze, pp. 75-79.
- 2006 Di Pasquale, G., Baldi, A., Bruttini, J., Buonincontri, M.P., Corbino, C.A., Pecci, A., and E. Scampoli. Alimentazione e cultura materiale nella Firenze del XIII secolo. I dati di via de’ Castellani, in IV Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, 26-30 settembre 2006, San Galgano (Chiusino-Siena).
- 2006 Degasperi, A., Pruno, E. and C.A Corbino. Cucinare a Prato nel tardo medioevo Scelte e abitudini culinarie di una società urbana. Dati preliminari, in XXXIX Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica, 26-27 maggio 2006, Savona, pp. 129-140.