Intensive longitudinal methods to study illness experience in Long Covid


Event details

Thursday 19 October 2023
Online event. Free of charge but booking required.


Professor Chris Burton

SCHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research - Using intensive longitudinal methods to study illness experience in Long Covid


Using intensive longitudinal methods to study illness experience in Long Covid

Join us for a monthly online masterclass by one of our health research experts based in the Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research

Link to the webinar


Many illnesses are characterised by symptoms which are highly variable both within and between individuals. One way of capturing and studying this variability is to use frequent self-report measures in an intensive longitudinal method (such as Ecological Momentary Assessment). This presentation will outline the principles of this approach using the example of a study of Long Covid. It will also include new findings from a follow-up study in which people with Long Covid “think aloud” as they look at, and reflect on, visual summaries of their personal data.


Professor Chris Burton is a GP and researcher at the University of Sheffield and leads the primary care research group which is joining / has joined the new Division of Population Health. Chris has worked on persistent physical symptoms throughout his career. He uses a mixture of qualitative, quantitative, and interventional studies.

Link to the webinar

The live session takes place in a Collaborate webinar - headphones are advisable and easy to set up. You can join with a computer, tablet or smartphone, Chrome and Firefox offer the best browser experience. You can also use a phone to handle audio while in the session by dialling +44 2033 189610 and entering the PIN: 398 583 2702.

We look forward to seeing you online.

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