Professor Simon Marvin
Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor of Geography

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Faculty of Social Sciences
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Simon Marvin is an internationally recognised academic with an excellent publication profile, with expertise in constructing conceptual understanding and empirical evidence of the changing relations between socio-technical networks and urban and regional restructuring.
He has extensive experience of directing successful urban research centres in previous roles at Newcastle University, Salford University, and Durham University, where he was Chair in the Department of Geography.
Simon has a number of links to Sheffield – during the mid-1980s he completed an MA in Urban Studies and Planning here and during his PhD studies at the Open University he undertook a case study of Sheffield’s combined heat and power district heating programme.
- Research interests
Simon’s work is noted for the way it develops innovative, interdisciplinary perspectives to help open up and explore important new agendas for urban studies and infrastructural research.
He has played major roles within urban and planning research towards addressing important questions surrounding telecommunications, infrastructure and mobility, sustainability and, most recently, systemic transitions, climate change, ecological security and smart cities.
He is currently working as either PI or Co-I on five RCUK funded grants, including two projects, one impact grant, and two international networks employing five researchers as well as research work for the Swedish Mistra Urban Futures Foundation.
Finally, he regularly undertakes work for policy users, including central government and urban and regional agencies in the UK, Europe, and internationally. Simon is currently an urban expert on the JPI Urban Europe Scientific Advisory Board.
- Publications
- Introduction.
- Conclusions.
- Low carbon nation?. Taylor and Francis.
- Preface. Cambridge University Press.
- Artificial Intelligence and the City. Routledge.
- Urban Infrastructure in Transition. Routledge.
Edited books
- Cities mediating technological transitions. Routledge.
- Urban Living Labs. Routledge.
Journal articles
- Towards new ecologies of automation: Robotics and the re-engineering of nature. Geoforum, 145, 103825-103825.
- Post‐pandemic cities: an urban lexicon of accelerations/decelerations. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
- Urban AI in China: social control or hyper-capitalist development in the post-smart city?. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4.
- Splintering Urbanism at 20 and the “Infrastructural Turn”. Journal of Urban Technology.
- Verifying an ENVI-met simulation of the thermal environment of Yanzhong Square Park in Shanghai. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 66, 127384-127384.
- Making space for drones: the contested reregulation of airspace in Tanzania and Rwanda. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
- Understanding the socio-technical hybridisation of indoor–outdoor relations : emergent, merged, and stretched. Area.
- The politics of smart expectations: Interrogating the knowledge claims of smart mobility. Futures, 122. View this article in WRRO
- Urban robotic experimentation: San Francisco, Tokyo and Dubai. Urban Studies. View this article in WRRO
- Containing COVID-19 in China: AI and the robotic restructuring of future cities. Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2), 238-241.
- Air pollution dispersal in high density urban areas: Research on the triadic relation of wind, air pollution, and urban form. Sustainable Cities and Society, 54, 101941-101941.
- Robotics and automation in the city : a research agenda. Urban Geography. View this article in WRRO
- Microclimates of urban reproduction : the limits of automating environmental control. Antipode. View this article in WRRO
- Constructing domestic retrofit as a new urban infrastructure: experimentation, equitability and contested priorities. Local Environment, 24(9), 825-842.
- Bifurcated Urban Integration: The selective dis- and re-assembly of infrastructures. Urban Studies (Sage). View this article in WRRO
- Urban living laboratories: Conducting the experimental city?. European Urban and Regional Studies, 26(4), 317-335.
- National urban policy making and its potential for sustainable urbanism. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 34, 48-53.
- Controlled environments: An urban research agenda on microclimatic enclosure. Urban Studies, 55(6), 1143-1162. View this article in WRRO
- Constructing A Universal Logic of Urban Control?: International Standards for City Data, Management and Interoperability. City, 22(2), 298-307. View this article in WRRO
- The future of sustainable cities: governance, policy and knowledge. Local Environment, 22(sup1), 1-7. View this article in WRRO
- Intensifying or transforming sustainable cities? Fragmented logics of urban environmentalism. Local Environment, 22(Sup 1), 8-22. View this article in WRRO
- The mutual construction of urban retrofit and scale: Governing ON, IN and WITH in Greater Manchester. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 35(7), 1198-1217.
- Urban Operating Systems: Diagramming the City. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41(1), 84-103. View this article in WRRO
- Powering sub-Saharan Africa’s urban revolution: An energy transitions approach. Urban Studies, 54(4), 847-861. View this article in WRRO
- Urban living labs: governing urban sustainability transitions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 22, 13-17.
- The maintenance of urban circulation: An operational logic of infrastructural control. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(2), 191-208.
- Developing a critical understanding of smart urbanism?. Urban Studies, 52(12), 2105-2116.
- Briefing: Re-Engineering the City 2020–2050 – Urban Foresight and Transition Management. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, 167(1), 1-4.
- The Intermediary Organisation of Low Carbon Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Transitions in Greater London and Greater Manchester. Urban Studies, 50(7), 1403-1422.
- Reshaping Urban Infrastructure. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(6), 789-800.
- Mediating Low-Carbon Urban Transitions? Forms of Organization, Knowledge and Action. European Planning Studies, 20(3), 421-439.
- A Reply to Lowe and Phillipson. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42(12), 3039-3040.
- Urbanism in the anthropocene: Ecological urbanism or premium ecological enclaves?. City, 14(3), 298-313.
- Can cities shape socio-technical transitions and how would we know if they were?. Research Policy, 39(4), 477-485.
- Cities mediating technological transitions: understanding visions, intermediation and consequences. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 21(4), 515-534.
- ‘Urban Ecological Security’: A New Urban Paradigm?. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(1), 193-215.
- Making Water Work: Intermediating between Regional Strategy and Local Practice. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26(2), 280-299.
- Constructing a typology of H2 in cities and regionsAn international review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(6), 1619-1629.
- A team from SURF look at the importance of active intermediaries in knowledge exchange for policy and practice. Regions Magazine, 272(1), 23-26.
- Understanding the Role of the National Exemplar in Constructing ?Strategic Glurbanization?. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 31(2), 303-325.
- Strategic intermediation: between regional strategy and local practice. Sustainable Development, 15(5), 318-327.
- Reconnecting the technology characterisation of the hydrogen economy to contexts of consumption. Energy Policy, 34(17), 3006-3016.
- Researching the Sustainable City: Three Modes of Interdisciplinarity. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(6), 1009-1028.
- Metabolisms of Obecity: Flows of Fat through Bodies, Cities, and Sewers. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(2), 313-324.
- Negotiating contested visions and place-specific expectations of the hydrogen economy. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 18(3-4), 361-374.
- From the Politics of Urgency to the Governance of Preparedness: A Research Agenda on Urban Vulnerability. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 13(2), 44-49.
- City futures Views from the centre. City, 7(2), 213-225.
- Developing urban and regional foresight: exploring capacities and identifying needs in the North West. Futures, 34(8), 761-777.
- Constructing sustainable urban futures: from models to competing pathways. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 19(2), 131-139.
- Views of the City: Multiple pathways to sustainable transport futures. Local Environment, 6(2), 121-133.
- Pre-payment: emerging pathways to water services. Third World Planning Review, 23(2), 213-221.
- Understanding urban futures: between science and science fiction. Foresight, 2(6), 559-577.
- Globalisation, Neoliberalism, and Negotiated Development in the Andes: Water Projects and Regional Identity in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 31(8), 1401-1415.
- Understanding Sustainable Cities: Competing Urban Futures. European Urban and Regional Studies, 6(3), 268-275.
- Pathways of smart metering development: shaping environmental innovation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 23(2), 109-126.
- An Emerging Logic of Urban Water Management, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Urban Studies, 36(2), 341-357.
- Planning cybercities: integrating telecommunications into urban planning. Town Planning Review, 70(1), 89-89.
- Cities, regions and privatised utilities. Progress in Planning, 51(2), 91-165.
- Electricity in the marketplace: Reconfiguring the consumption of essential resources. Local Environment, 3(3), 313-331.
- Telecommunications and sustainable cities. URBAN DESIGN International, 3(4), 195-199.
- Infrastructure Provision, Development Processes and the Co-production of Environmental Value. Urban Studies, 34(12), 2023-2036.
- Consuming water: Evolving strategies of water management in Britain. Journal of Urban Technology, 4(3), 21-45.
- Creating myths rather than sustainability: The transition fallacies of the new localism. Local Environment, 2(3), 311-318.
- Book reviews. Journal of Urban Technology, 4(1), 99-105.
- Splintering Networks: Cities and Technical Networks in 1990s Britain. Urban Studies, 34(2), 191-216.
- Environmental flows. Futures, 29(1), 47-65.
- Urban infrastructure: The contemporary conflict between roads and utilities. Progress in Planning, 48(4), iii-318.
- The New Urban Infrastructure Crisis Competition for Urban Space. Public Works Management & Policy, 2(2), 148-158.
- Smart Metering Technologies and Privatised Utilities. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 12(2), 119-132.
- Urban Infrastructure: The Contemporary Conflict Between Roads and Utilities. Progress in Planning, 48(4), 247-318.
- Managing Water Stress: The Logic of Demand Side Infrastructure Planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 39(1), 123-130.
- Privatized Utilities and Regional Governance: The New Regional Managers?. Regional Studies, 30(8), 733-739.
- Transforming urban infrastructure provision—The emerging logic of demand side management. Policy Studies, 17(2), 137-147.
- Disconnected Policy: The Shaping of Local Energy Management. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 14(1), 145-158.
- The socio-economic benefits of a universal telephone network: A demand-side view of universal service. Telecommunications Policy, 20(1), 3-10.
- Demand-side management in the electricity sector. Land Use Policy, 12(3), 205-221.
- Book reviews. European Planning Studies, 3(1), 123-133.
- Reconfiguring urban networks: Demand‐side management in the United Kingdom. Journal of Urban Technology, 2(3), 45-58.
- Local authorities and energy markets in the 1990s: Getting back into power?. Local Government Studies, 21(3), 461-482.
- Accessibility to utility networks: Local policy issues. Local Government Studies, 20(3), 437-457.
- Land use planning and the water sector: a review of development plans and catchment management plans. Town Planning Review, 65(4), 375-375.
- Telematics and the convergence of urban infrastructure: implications for contemporary cities. Town Planning Review, 65(3), 227-227.
- Green signals. Cities, 11(5), 325-331.
- Cherry picking and social dumping. Utilities Policy, 4(2), 113-119.
- Privatization of utilities: The implications for cities in the United Kingdom. Journal of Urban Technology, 2(1), 47-66.
- Reviews. Planning Practice & Research, 8(1), 32-38.
- Reviews. Planning Practice & Research, 8(3), 35-40.
- Utility networks and urban planning: An issue agenda. Planning Practice & Research, 8(4), 6-14.
- Book reviews. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 36(2), 253-259.
- Policy Review Section. Regional Studies, 27(2), 149-165.
- Reviews. Planning Practice & Research, 7(2), 32-37.
- Editorial. Planning Practice & Research, 7(1), 3-3.
- Urban policy and infrastructure networks. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 7(3), 225-247.
- Towards sustainable urban environments: the potential for least‐cost planning approaches. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 35(2), 193-200.
- Combined heat and power/district heating: A review. Planning Practice & Research, 6(2), 31-35.
- Editorial. Planning Practice and Research, 5(3), 3-3.
- Local authority technology policies. Planning Outlook, 33(1), 31-45.
- Book reviews. Planning Outlook, 32(2), 134-139.
- Critical urban informatics for urban digital twin models. Nature Cities.
- When cities broke into the global stage: 20 years since the publication of ‘Cities and Climate Change’. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.
- Climate‐controlled conservation: Remaking ‘the botanical metropolis of the world’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
- Why does urban Artificial Intelligence (AI) matter for urban studies? Developing research directions in urban AI research. Urban Geography, 1-12.
- The rise of AI urbanism in post-smart cities: A critical commentary on urban artificial intelligence. Urban Studies.
- Regulating sidewalk delivery robots as a disruptive new urban technology. Urban Geography, 1-20.
- The urbanisation of controlled environment agriculture: Why does it matter for urban studies?. Urban Studies.
- A Common Management Framework for European Smart Cities? The Case of the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities and Communities Six Nations Forum. Journal of Urban Technology, 1-18.
- Urban smart microgrids: a political technology of emergency-normalcy. Urban Geography, 1-22.
- The politics of governing cities, infrastructures and resource flows: spaces of reproduction or reconfiguration?. Geographica Helvetica, 66(2), 108-114.
- Conclusions, Artificial Intelligence and the City (pp. 361-389). Routledge
- Introducing AI into urban studies, Artificial Intelligence and the City (pp. 1-19). Routledge
- CONCLUSIONS: The present of urban AI and the future of cities, Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on Ai (pp. 361-389).
- The global urban condition and politics of thermal metabolics, Global Urbanism (pp. 211-218). Routledge
- Beyond the Myths of the New Environmental Localism, The Challenge of Environmental Management in Urban Areas (pp. 215-224). Routledge
- Developing a critical understanding of smart urbanism, Handbook of Urban Geography (pp. 210-224).
- View this article in WRRO
- Homelabs, Urban Living Labs (pp. 126-146). Routledge
- Introduction, Urban Living Labs (pp. 1-17). Routledge
- Conclusions, Urban Living Labs (pp. 248-257). Routledge
- Conclusions, Urban Living Labs (pp. 248-257). Taylor & Francis
- Rethinking urban transitions, Rethinking Urban Transitions (pp. 13-36). Routledge
- Introduction, Rethinking Urban Transitions (pp. 1-12). Routledge
- The amenable city-region, Rethinking Urban Transitions (pp. 73-88). Routledge
- Rethinking urban transitions: An analytical framework, Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (pp. 13-36).
- Introduction, Urban Living Labs: Experimenting with City Futures (pp. 1-17).
- Conclusions, Urban Living Labs: Experimenting with City Futures (pp. 248-257).
- Postscript: A manifesto for a progressive networked urbanism, Contemporary Movements in Planning Theory: Critical Essays in Planning Theory: Volume 3 (pp. 257-275).
- The urban laboratory and emerging sites of urban experimentation, The Experimental City (pp. 47-60). Routledge
- Cabin ecologies, The Experimental City (pp. 88-104). Routledge
- Subnational, Inter-scalar Dynamics: The Differentiated Geographies of Governing Low Carbon Transitions—With Examples from the UK, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace (pp. 465-477). Springer International Publishing
- Restabilizing a heterogeneous network: The Yorkshire drought 1995-96, Urban Infrastructure in Transition: Networks, Buildings and Plans (pp. 68-77).
- Urban environmental flows: Towards a new way of seeing, Urban Infrastructure in Transition: Networks, Buildings and Plans (pp. 22-37).
- Local energy planning and electricity networks: Disconnections and reconnections, Urban Infrastructure in Transition: Networks, Buildings and Plans (pp. 143-159).
- Conclusions: Contesting networks, Urban Infrastructure in Transition: Networks, Buildings and Plans (pp. 197-206).
- Retrofit in Greater Manchester and Cardiff, Retrofitting Cities (pp. 34-51). Routledge
- Introduction, Retrofitting Cities (pp. 1-10). Routledge
- Smart cities and the politics of urban data, Smart Urbanism (pp. 16-33). Routledge
- Volumetric urbanism: Artificial “outsides” reassembled “inside”, Beyond the Networked City: Infrastructure reconfigurations and urban change in the North and South (pp. 227-241).
- CONCLUSION, Smart Urbanism: Utopian vision or false dawn? (pp. 185-191).
- Re-thinking Sustainable Knowledge-Based Urbanism Through Active Intermediation, Production and Use of Urban Knowledge (pp. 151-167). Springer Netherlands
- Hydrogen in cities and regions: An international review, Hydrogen Energy: Economic and Social Challenges (pp. 153-174).
- Risk and the Public Acceptance of New Technologies Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Urban Space and the Development of Networks: A Discussion of the “Splintering Urbanism” Thesis, Sustaining Urban Networks (pp. 64-80). Routledge
- Telecommunications and the Urban Environment, Intelligent Environments (pp. 179-198). Elsevier
- Smart Urbanism Routledge
- After Sustainable Cities? Routledge
- Achieving ‘systemic’ urban retrofit, Retrofitting the Built Environment (pp. 5-19). John Wiley & Sons
- Renewable Energy and the Public Routledge
- Cities and Low Carbon Transitions Routledge
- Hydrogen Energy Routledge
- Disrupted Cities Routledge
- Cities Mediating Technological Transitions: The Adaptability of Infrastructure and Infrastructures of Adaptability? Edward Elgar Publishing
- Ecology of Intermediation Edward Elgar Publishing
- In the Nature of Cities Routledge
- Sustaining Urban Networks Routledge
Conference proceedings papers
- Urban Thermal Modulation—The Limits of Interiorization and Emergence of Atmospheric Security? (pp 37-47)
- The role of ‘urban living labs’ in ‘real-world testing’ robotics and autonomous systems. UK-RAS Conference for PhD and Early Career Researchers Proceedings
- Making a Difference: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Urban Energy Policies. Science, Technology, & Human Values, Vol. 24(1) (pp 105-131)
- Introduction.