Dr Enora Robin
Faculty of Social Sciences
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Full contact details
Faculty of Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS)
219 Portobello
S1 4DP
- Profile
Enora is a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the Urban Institute, working on her three years project ‘Off-grid cities: exploring the financial mediations of life off the grid.” The project explores how justice concerns can be addressed through innovative financial mechanisms for delivering renewable energy in Accra, London and Marseille.
She joined the Urban Institute in June 2019 as a Research Fellow on Climate Urbanism, after having completed her doctoral research at University College London. Her thesis explored the production, mobilisation, contestation, and subversion of different forms of urban expertise in the context of urban redevelopment projects in Cape Town and London.
Her research mobilises critical urban geographies, science studies and postcolonial theories to explore urban transformations across three interrelated themes.
The first theme relates to infrastructure provision and social justice in the city, looking at the relationship between infrastructure development and the reproduction of intersecting social, racial and gender injustices.
The second theme focuses on the role of different forms of finance (including market and non-market finance) in shaping urban transformations.
The third strand of research focuses on urban justice and climate action in cities.
At the Urban Institute, Enora builds on this body of research to explore how different epistemologies, tools and practices are currently shaping cities, and how they affect social, political, technical, and ecological urban transformations. Alongside her Leverhulme ECR Fellowship, Enora leads a project on Community Energy and Energy Justice in Ghana (in collaboration with the University of Ghana) and supports the development of the Climate Urbanism research cluster activities.
- Qualifications
MSc (London School of Economics and Political Science), PhD (University College London)
- Research interests
Climate Action – Climate Justice – Just Energy Transitions – Urban Transformation
- Research group
Urban Institute
- Grants
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship
- Professional activities and memberships
Co-founder and convener of the Urban Climate Finance Network (urbanclifi.com)
Member of the Urban Geography Research Group at the Royal Geographical Society