Jam and Justice Discuss Devolution at Manchester Histories Festival

Event details
Devolution promised to open up new opportunities for community engagement and empowerment, shifting power from Whitehall to the Townhall. One year on since the election of Andy Burnham as Mayor of Greater Manchester, Jam and Justice’s Action Research Collective are hosting a debate in Manchester Central Library to discuss the changing horizons of collective decision-making in Greater Manchester.
It’s free.
The debate is part of the 2018 Manchester Histories Festival, one of a series of events during a day of exchanging different ideas and thoughts through debating, and discussing topics that have or are shaping our histories and society.
Manchester Histories is a charity that delivers projects, events and activities with communities that reveal, share and celebrate Greater Manchester’s diverse histories and heritage.
For more information, see the full Manchester Histories Festival 2018 programme