Dr Michaela Rogers (she/her)
PhD, MA, PgCAP, BA (Hons), FHEA
Department of Sociological Studies
Senior Lecturer in Social Work

+44 114 222 6461
Full contact details
Department of Sociological Studies
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Michaela joined the Department of Sociological Studies in 2019 as a Senior Lecturer in Social Work, having previously taught at the University of Salford following the completion of her PhD at the University of Sheffield in 2013. Before entering academia, Michaela enjoyed many years in social work and social care practice working in both the statutory and voluntary sectors. For the most part, Michaela’s career in practice was spent working in the field of domestic violence and abuse, but she also worked in child protection, foster care, and community development. Her work lies at the intersection of gender-based violence, marginalisation, help-seeking and social care.
- Research interests
Michaela’s research interests and publications reflect several areas of interest: interpersonal and gender-based violence and abuse; gender, diversity, identity and positionality; hidden and marginalised communities; inequalities in access to social care; professional judgements and decision-making; reflexive practice; qualitative and narrative methods. Michaela has led and contributed to numerous projects (both funded and unfunded).
- Publications
- Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer International Publishing.
Journal articles
- Social Work and Transitions. Practice, 36(5), 317-318.
- Components of Contemporary Social Work Education and Practice. Practice, 36(3), 173-175.
- “Survive, learn to live with it … or not”: A narrative analysis of women's repeat victimization using a lifecourse perspective. Social Science & Medicine, 338, 116338-116338.
- The Social Work Online Team Training (SWOTT) toolkit: embedding team-based peer learning in continuous professional development. Social Work Education. View this article in WRRO
- Critical ethical reflexivity (CER) in feminist narrative inquiry: reflections from cis researchers doing social work research with trans and non-binary people. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
- PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19(1).
- Elder abuse and dementia: a comparison of older people with and without dementia across the prevalence of abuse. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
- Technology-facilitated abuse in intimate relationships : a scoping review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. View this article in WRRO
- Protocol: Global elder abuse: a mega-map of systematic reviews on prevalence, consequences, risk and protective factors and interventions. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(2). View this article in WRRO
- Working with domestic violence and abuse across the lifecourse: understanding good practice, Ravi Thiara and Lorraine Radford (eds). The British Journal of Social Work. View this article in WRRO
- Elder abuse vulnerability and risk factors: is financial abuse different from other subtypes?. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(4), 928-939. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the Domestic Abuse Narratives of Trans and Nonbinary People and the Role of Cisgenderism in Identity Abuse, Misgendering, and Pathologizing. Violence Against Women, 27(12-13), 2187-2207. View this article in WRRO
- COVID-19 and domestic violence: impact on mental health. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 11(3), 188-202. View this article in WRRO
- Removing gender barriers : promoting inclusion for trans and non-binary carers in fostering and adoption. Child & Family Social Work, 25(3), 594-601. View this article in WRRO
- Challenges to implementing the new homelessness prevention agenda in Wales. Social Policy and Society, 19(1), 157-169. View this article in WRRO
- Policy transfer and part 2 of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014. Social Policy and Society, 19(1), 171-182. View this article in WRRO
- Working and homeless : exploring the interaction of housing and labour market insecurity. Social Policy and Society, 19(1), 121-132. View this article in WRRO
- Rural homelessness: Prevention practices in Wales. Social Policy and Society, 19(1), 133-144. View this article in WRRO
- Interrogating the prevention approach of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 for people with mental health needs who are homeless. Social Policy and Society, 19(1), 109-120. View this article in WRRO
- Elder homicide : a systematic literature review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 48, 141-151. View this article in WRRO
- Challenging cisgenderism through trans people’s narratives of domestic violence and abuse. Sexualities, 22(5-6), 803-820. View this article in WRRO
- The Change Up Project: Using Social Norming Theory with Young People to Address Domestic Abuse and Promote Healthy Relationships. Journal of Family Violence, 34(6), 507-519. View this article in WRRO
- Socialising transgender: support in transition, Kate Norman. The British Journal of Social Work, 49(5), 1352-1354. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring approaches to child welfare in contexts of domestic violence and abuse: family group conferences. Child & Family Social Work, 23(1), 105-112. View this article in WRRO
- Growing spaces: an evaluation of the mental health recovery programme using mixed methods. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(6), 476-489.
- Nurses' recognition of domestic violence and abuse. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 6(6), 286-293. View this article in WRRO
- Transphobic ‘Honour’-Based Abuse: A Conceptual Tool. Sociology, 51(2), 225-240.
- Polly’s story: using structural narrative analysis to understand a trans migration journey. Qualitative Social Work, 16(2), 224-239. View this article in WRRO
- Interrogating Trans and Sexual Identities through the Conceptual Lens of Translocational Positionality. Sociological Research Online, 22(1), 81-94.
- Breaking down barriers: exploring the potential for social care practice with trans survivors of domestic abuse. Health & Social Care in the Community, 24(1), 68-76.
- The Predictors, Motivations and Characteristics of Image-Based Sexual Abuse: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- A scoping review of social work with Roma and Traveller communities: introducing the ROMA model. European Journal of Social Work, 1-15.
- Muslim Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Meta-Ethnography of Global Evidence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Responding to Domestic Violence and Abuse during COVID-19 through Remote Interventions: An Evaluation of the Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS) Service. Creative Nursing.
- Older Adult Homicide: Investigating Case, Victim and Perpetrator Characteristics in a National Sample from England and Wales. The British Journal of Social Work.
- Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Judicial Actors’ Understanding of the Mental Health Impacts of Intimate Partner Violence: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Embedding Reflexivity in Social Work Research through the Critical Reflexive Framework. The British Journal of Social Work.
- Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence and Abuse in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Dowry-Related Abuse and Dowry Death, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 257-269). Springer International Publishing
- Femicide, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 139-152). Springer International Publishing
- Post-Separation and Divorce-Related Abuse, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 113-124). Springer International Publishing
- Child Sexual Exploitation, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 37-51). Springer International Publishing
- Widowhood, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 167-178). Springer International Publishing
- Reflections and Way Forward, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 607-620). Springer International Publishing
- Understanding Gender-Based Violence, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 3-16). Springer International Publishing
- Theorising Gender-Based Violence, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 17-34). Springer International Publishing
- Technology-Facilitated Abuse, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 555-569). Springer International Publishing
- Older Adult Mistreatment, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 495-507). Springer International Publishing
- Use of Personas and Participative Methods When Researching with Hard-to-Reach Groups, Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 41-50). Springer International Publishing
- Trans identities, cisgenderism and hate crime, Misogyny as Hate Crime (pp. 195-212). Routledge
- Exploring trans men’s experiences of intimate partner violence through the lens of cisgenderism, Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (pp. 112-125). Routledge
- Overcoming Barriers: Exploring Specialist Interventions for Supporting Older Women to Escape Domestic Violence and Abuse, Violence Against Older Women, Volume II (pp. 79-99). Springer International Publishing
Website content
- Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer International Publishing.
- Research group
Co-lead for the University of Sheffield Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Research Network (ShIVAR).
Postgraduate Supervision
Topics previously or currently under supervision: technology-facilitated sexual violence; impacts of childhood emotional abuse in adulthood; child-to-parent violence; domestic violence and social work’s response in Saudi Arabia; workplace violence; risk and social work; trans and non-binary people, adoption and fostering; post-adoption support. Topics also considered: structural forms of gender-based violence; technology-facilitated violence and abuse; hate crime.
- Grants
Department for Education
Critical Reflective Practice Project: Evaluation, PI. £6,000.
Department for Education
Developing the workforce KE project, Co-PI. £36,000
Addressing Child-to-parent violence: Level Up Evaluation, Co-PI. £7,000
West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit
Healhub evaluation, Co-I. £40,000
Domestic Violence and Interpreters: Development of a Toolkit, Co-PI. £19,980
Domestic Violence and Abuse Training Game: Digital Version, Co-PI. £20,000
Department for Education
Social Work Online Team Training (SWOTT) Toolkit: Proof-of-Concept project, PI. £60,000
World Health Organization
A mega-map on the consequences of, and risk and protective factors for elder abuse, Co-PI. $24,900
ESRC White Rose Collaboration Fund
Domestic violence and marginalised communities, Co-PI. £10,233
Nuffield Foundation
Evidence review: Mothers in prison and domestic abuse, PI. £58,000
The Pankhurst Trust (trading as Manchester Women’s Aid)
IRIS Manchester: Stakeholder evaluation, PI. £4,840
The Power of Small Gestures: Training video for social workers during home visits, CO-I. £7,500
World University Network
Mental Health Impacts for Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Co-I. £10,000
The Pankhurst Trust (trading as Manchester Women’s Aid)
Improving referrals to IRIS from Practice Nursing Teams: an exploratory study. PI.
Awarded: £4,960
Sheffield City Council
Scoping exercise and evidence review: Parental Conflict. PI.
Awarded: £12,889.
Social Sense CIC
An evaluation of the Change Up LGBT Programme, PI.
Awarded: £3,000.
Ageing with Healthy Relationships, Festival of Social Science.
Award total: £1,000.
The University of Salford Research Impact Fund
Older people & Domestic Abuse: A workshop for practitioners, PI. Run in collaboration with Manchester Women’s Aid.
Award total: £950.
Social Sense CIC
An evaluation for the Change Up Programme, PI.
Award total: £5,300.
Incredible Education/ Inspiring Communities Together
An evaluation of the Green & Growing Project, Co-I.
Award total: £2,200.
Trafford Housing Trust
Independent Living Scheme Evaluation, PI.
Award total: £8,866.
NHS Manchester University Foundation Trust
CHAMP evaluation, PI.
Award total: £60,000.
Manchester Women’s Aid
An evaluation of the Sahara Project, PI.
Award total: £5,000.
Welsh Government
Post-Implementation Evaluation of the Part 2 Homelessness of the Housing Act, Co-I and Case Study Lead.
Award total: £98,000.
Gardens Needs, Salford
An evaluation of the Mental Health Recovery Programme, Co-I
Award total: £31,000.
Sandwell MBC
Children’s Workforce Development Training Programme. Co-I.
Awarded: £60,000
- Teaching interests
Michaela teaches across the portfolio of social work modules and courses. In addition, Michaela convenes a CPD module, Doing Practitioner Researcher, and is keen to support social workers to develop research literacy and move towards becoming practitioner-academics.
Michaela welcomes applications and enquiries.
- Teaching activities
Michaela teaches across the portfolio of social work modules and courses. In addition, Michaela supervises PhD students across a range of fields in social care and social work broadly and she is particularly interested in projects in the following areas: interpersonal violence and abuse across the lifecourse; gender-based violence; domestic abuse; gender, trans and gender diversity; marginalised communities; narrative and qualitative methods.
Michaela welcomes applications and enquiries.
- Professional activities and memberships
Michaela is Co-Editor for the journal ‘Practice: Social Work in Action’ and is the Chair of the Domestic Violence and Abuse Special Interest Group (DVA SIG) of the UK-wide Association of Child Protection Professionals (AoCPP). She has provided consultancy for various national and international bodies e.g., as consultant for BASW’s Domestic Abuse Practice Guidance for both Children and Family/ Adult Social Workers.
- Partnerships, engagement and impact
Michaela has worked in partnership with numerous statutory and third sector organisations to generate and mobilise research evidence for real-world impact. Recent partnerships include:
Manchester Women’s Aid (MWA)
Michaela has collaborated with MWA for many years on a series of projects but mostly with the IRIS service which aims to connect primary care to domestic violence and abuse (DVA) specialist support. The work has focused on finding ways to enhance practitioner understanding of DVA and improve access to specialist support for patients. The work has involved close engagement with the IRIS team at MWA as well as with the national IRIS programme team. In other projects, Michaela and MWA have collaborated to improve awareness of older people’s experiences of DVA across communities in Manchester as well as within the health and social care workforce. This work included facilitated workshops, the production of policy and research briefings, and creative student projects resulting in public campaigns across Greater Manchester.
White Rose Collaborative Network
Michaela co-led a collaborative network to deliver an interdisciplinary project consisting of 14 academics, from early career researchers to established professors, from the universities of Sheffield, York and Leeds. The focus was upon domestic abuse and marginalised communities and culminated in a series of workshops on two themes: methodological challenges and working with interpreters. Michaela led the delivery of 6 workshops (n=65) involving researchers, people with lived experience and practitioners from health, social care, DVA and criminal justice. This workstream resulted in the production of a toolkit for researchers and practitioner-academics.