Dr Andrew Frank Bradley
TEFL, BA (Hons), MA, PhD
School of Languages and Cultures
Teaching Associate in Spanish

Full contact details
School of Languages and Cultures
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
Dr. Andrew Frank Bradley is originally from Liverpool (UK), but was brought up and educated in the Valencian Community (Spain). He read Classics (BA) at the University of Liverpool with a specialism in comparative linguistics (Latin to Spanish and Catalan, and Ancient Greek to Sahidic Coptic). Moving from historical linguistics to contemporary sociolinguistics, he continued at Liverpool for a MA in Modern Languages (Hispanic). He has recently defended his PhD thesis at the University of Sheffield on the topic of Catalan sociolinguistics under the supervision of Dr. Kristine Horner and Dr. Louise Johnson. His thesis examines the politics of language and identity in Catalonia and the Valencian Community, focusing specifically on student perspectives in these two communities using the theoretical lens of language ideologies and the conceptual tool of linguistic authority to understand how the politics of language and identity compare across the two contexts.
- Research interests
Andrew’s research interests include sociolinguistics, language ideologies, language policy and planning (especially discourse in textbooks), and Catalan studies.
- Teaching activities
Andrew has experience teaching both modern and ancient languages at a variety of levels. Currently, Andrew teaches on the following undergraduate modules at the University of Sheffield:
- MDL2013: Spanish Higher Intermediate
- HSS331: Final Year Spanish Language
- HSS253: The Spanish Language: Structure and Use (Sociolinguistics)
In previous years, Andrew has also taught on the following modules as a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant:
- HSS253: The Spanish Language: Structure and Use (2016/2017; 2018/2019)
- MDL301: Social Approaches to Multilingualism (workshop in 2018)
In addition to teaching at Sheffield, Andrew is temporarily teaching Spanish and Romance linguistics at Newcastle University on the following modules:
- Introduction to linguistics (Spanish) (first year module)
- World Spanish (second year module)
- Spanish and Romance word analysis (final year module)
In the morning hours, Andrew offers English language classes and private tuition to gifted young learners based in China.
- Conference papers and contributions
Conference papers
Bradley, A.F (2020) ‘Linguistic authority and authoritative texts: Comparing student perspectives of the politics of language and identity in Catalonia and the Valencian Community’ as part of the PGR Colloquium: Approaches to Multilingualism, at the University of Sheffield, 9 November.— (2018) ‘Challenging and negotiating borders: Language ideological perspectives of the Catalan Countries by Catalan and Valencian secondary school students’ as part of the "Borders, (im)mobilities and spatialised linguistic resources” colloquium at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, at the University of Auckland, 28-30 June.
— (2018) ‘Language borders, conflict, and identity: The Països Catalans as challenged and negotiated by Catalan and Valencian secondary school students’ at Language and Borders: Rethinking Mobility, Migration, and Space, at the University of Bristol, 26-27 March.
— (2017) ‘La nostra llengua parla ací del valencià, no del català’: Negotiating the language-ideological dimensions of Valencian textbooks’ at LXIII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference, at the University of Birmingham, 10-12 November.
— (2017) ‘L’Espai de l’Investigador: A proposed platform for international scholars in Catalan Studies’ at LXIII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference, at the University of Birmingham, 10-12 November.
— (2017) ‘Language ideologies as reflected in Catalan and Valencian ‘Language and Literature’ textbooks: ambiguities, circumlocutions, and omissions’ at the SiS2017: Language Ideologies in the Spanish speaking world context, at the University of Southampton, 31 March.
— (2016) ‘Students’ and teachers’ reception and perception of language-political ideologies in Catalan and Valencian ‘Language and Literature’ textbooks, at Department of Hispanic Studies Research Seminar Series 2016-17, at the University of Sheffield, 7 December.
— (2016) ‘Negotiating national identities: The use of first person plural pronouns in Catalan and Valencian textbooks’, at Negotiating Identity across Boundaries: Assimilation and Fragmentation – School of Languages and Cultures Postgraduate Colloquium, at the University of Sheffield, 13 May.
— (2016) ‘Educational texts as political interventions: A comparative case-study of Catalan and Valencian ‘language and literature’ textbooks’, at Making Interdisciplinarity Work: Linking Languages, Texts and Society, at the University of Nottingham, 22 April.
— (2016) ‘Catalan and Valencian llengua i literatura textbooks as ideological products: a cross-comparative and synchronic study’, at 1st Bristol Postgraduate Conference on Language and Society, at the University of Bristol, 4 March.
Book chapters
Horner, K. and A.F. Bradley (2019). ‘Language ideologies.’ In: Darquennes, J., J. Salmons and W. Vandenbussche (eds). Language Contact: An International Handbook (volume 1). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science).
Book reviews
Bradley, A.F. (2017) ‘Singular and Plural: Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia’, by Kathryn Woolard (2016) for the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (in press).
Other contributions
Bradley, A.F. (2021) ‘La crisis d’identitat de la ‘-e’ calpina: Una perspectiva sociolingüística i guiri’. Opinion piece for Calp Digital.
Bradley, A.F. (2017) ‘L’Espai de l’Investigador’ for the Institut Ramon Llull Headquarters in Barcelona (January 2017). [Part of the WRoCAH Research Employability Project]