Student Creative Outputs - (PDF Links) The various creative outputs by SEAS students from the trip to Seoul, South Korea 2023. These can be viewed here by clicking on the links below to their individual PDF creations. You are here Home School of East Asian Studies News Student Creative Outputs - (PDF Links) Thomas Stewart New Memorial Centre and Museum mourning victims of Kim Family opens in Seoul, South Korea. Thomas's Creative Output (PDF link) Robert Lawrence Read Robert's reflections on his visit to Seoul, South Korea in 2023 here: Robert's Creative Output (PDF Link) Polly Harley Why “Koreanness” is no longer enough: a new approach to the successful integration of North Korean defectors in South Korea Polly's Creative Output (PDF Link) Molly Pugh What are the factors slowing the progress towards Korean re-unification? Molly's Creative Output (PDF Link) Michaella Panteli Unintended Consequences: South Korean NGOs' Missteps in Promoting Unification Michaella's Creative Output (PDF Link) Marta Sawicka The importance of the reunification of the Korean Peninsula Marta's Creative Output (PDF Link) Louise Buffey Inter-Korean Reunification and the obstacles in the way. Louise's Creative Output (PDF Link) Joey Sadler Reunification: Engaging South Korean youth. Joey's Creative Output (PDF Link) Isabelle Nudd Reunification of the Korean Peninsula: a dying cause? Isabelle's Creative Output (PDF Link) Georgia Leather Monuments and memories of a unified Korea. Georgia's Creative Output (PDF Link) Emma Thornton A reunified Korea: A booklet guide for tourists. Emma's Creative Output (PDF Link) Emily Charley North Korean non-profit logo design. Emily's Creative Output (PDF Link) Ellys Knorz Reunification on the Korean Peninsula: a personal perspective. Ellys's Creative Output (PDF Link) Abigail White After the Fall: How NGOs in Seoul are documenting human rights abuses by North Korea in preparation for transitional justice. Abigail's Creative Output (PDF Link)