
Partnerships > Covid-19 FAQs

Q. Which events have been cancelled?

All scheduled events being run by The University of Sheffield and with our partner organisations have been suspended from April through to the end of July 2020. The University is continuing to follow the advice being given by The World Health Organisation and Government directive, and the campus remains closed.

Q. Will any events be rescheduled?

We are liaising regularly with colleagues in all of our partnership projects and will continue to provide information as to whether or not face to face events will be rescheduled in due course.

Q. Will I be able to access any online resources in place of the event(s) I was due to attend?

Along with colleagues in our partner organisations, we have been busy preparing a range of open access virtual resources to support prospective students and their teachers and advisers. We will continue to plan for further provision of online activity over the coming months. Follow the links below to find out more:

Advancing Access

Excellence Hub



HeppSY: 'Here to Help' online offer

Realising Opportunities

The Brilliant Club

The Elephant Group

Q. Will the alternative offer for Realising Opportunities still be available for 2021 applications to The University, as events have been cancelled?

The University is continuing to follow the advice being given by Public Health England and the Government, and will continue to provide information as to whether or not events will be rescheduled in due course. However, we will ensure that every consideration is given to our 

participants to ensure that the alternative offer can be fairly made and applied for 2021 applications to The University of Sheffield.

Realising Opportunities university partners are reviewing what activity can be offered through online learning as alternatives to the activities that were planned on campus and will continue to contact you via email with opportunities for engagement as soon as they become available. 

The University will make appropriate adjustments in assessing student participation in Realising Opportunities, with due consideration to the cancellation of events and/or participation in the alternative online provision being offered during this period. Therefore it is important that you let us know via if you are facing any particular challenges which are limiting your ability to engage with the Realising Opportunities programme online.

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