Recommended Reading Master's - Plain Text


MA Politics, Governance, and Public Policy


Ansell, C. and Torfing, J. (2016) (eds) Handbook on Theories of Governance, Edward Elgar

Cairney, P. (2020) Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues, 2nd edition, Palgrave.

Dodds, A. (2018) Comparative Public Policy 2 nd edition, Palgrave

Howlett, M., Ramesh, M. and Perl, A. (2020) Studying Public Policy: Principles and

Processes, 4 th edition, Oxford University Press.

John, P. (2012) Analyzing Public Policy, 3 rd edition, Routledge.

Knill, C. and Tosun, J. (2012/20) Public Policy: A New Introduction, Palgrave (the first edition is available electronically, the 2020 edition in print only).

Levi-Faur, D. (ed.) (2012) The Oxford Handbook of Governance, Oxford University Press.

Moran, M., Rein, M. and Goodin, R (2006) The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford University Press.

Key Journals

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Public Administration

Journal of European Public Policy

Regulation and Governance

Public Policy and Administration

Journal of Risk Research

Policy and Politics

Political Studies

 American Political Science Review

International Review of Administrative Sciences

Public Administration Review

International Public Management Journal

International Review of Public Policy

MA International Relations


J. Baylis, P. Owens & S. Smith The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations 8 th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. A clever textbook full of interesting facts and the integration of non-Western perspectives throughout.

C. Weber International Relations Theory: A Critical Introduction. 4 th edition.

London and New York: Routledge, 2014. Accessible textbook with a sophisticated discussion of IR theories, drawing on films.

S.Burchill et al. Theories of International Relations. 5 th edition. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2013. Textbook with high-quality theoretical discussions.

W. Carlsnaes, T.Risse & B.Simons; Handbook of International Relations.2 nd edition, London: Sage, 2012. Textbook with insightful topical discussions.

M. Hollis & S. Smith; Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Oxford:

Clarendon Press, 1992. An influential book on the development of, and thinking behind, different approaches to IR as a social science.

M. Stephen, R. Walters & C. Scheinpflug; International Relations Theory. Bristol: E-International Relations, 2017. A textbook that is free to download from E-IR:

B.G. Jones (ed) Decolonizing International Relations. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. Key work on post-and decolonial perspectives on IR.

A. Anievas, N. Manchanda & Robbie Shilliam (eds.) ; Race and Racism in International Relations: Confronting the Global Colour Line, London: Routledge, 2014. Comprehensive introduction to race in all facets of IR.

C. Sylvester Feminist International Relations: An Unfinished Journey Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Examines the history of feminists' efforts to include gender relations in the study of IR.

Key Journals

British Journal of Politics and International Relations

European Journal of International Relations

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Policy Analysis

Global Governance

International Affairs

International Organization

International Political Sociology

International Relations

International Security

International Studies Perspectives

International Studies Quarterly

International Studies Review

International Theory

Journal of International Relations and Development

Millennium: Journal of International Studies

Review of International Political Economy

Review of International Studies

Third World Quarterly

World Policy Journal

World Politics

MA International Political Economy


Ravenhill, J. (2020) Global Political Economy (Oxford University Press)

Vivares, E. (2020) The Routledge Handbook of IPE (Routledge)

You are not required to do any prior reading. All of the core books taught in your modules will be available online or in the Library when you start at the University, but hopefully, this will give you an idea of what you will be reading.

While these readings are split up by course, there is a lot of overlap in important topics, content, and discussion within the three disciplines. You are welcome to explore readings from each programme if you wish!

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