Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) resources

Explore our range of FREE resources for patient and public involvement (PPI)

PPI meeting

Alongside our PPI panel, the Palliative Care Studies Advisory Group, we have developed and curated a range of free resources for researchers, patients and the public, to support good PPI practice in palliative care research.  

Reports and papers

Briefing paper - The role of PPI in palliative care research

Recipe book - Advice and guidance for PPI in palliative care research

Community Researcher Toolkit - A toolkit for engaging community research link workers to increase research participation power for underserved communities.

Research article - A framework for more equitable, diverse and inclusive PPI in palliative care research

Research article - Patient and Public Involvement in palliative care research


What it's like being involved in a Patient and Public Involvement panel:

Other free resources

UK Standards - For patient and public involvement in research

PIRIT - Public Involvement in Research Impact Toolkit, to help researchers plan, conduct and evaluate meaningful PPI

Centres of excellence

The University's cross-faculty research centres harness our interdisciplinary expertise to solve the world's most pressing challenges.