Languages for All

Languages for All (LfA) is the university-wide scheme for 'non-specialist' linguists wishing to develop foreign language skills within or in addition to their main degree programme. This could be learning a new language from scratch, or continuing to build on a language started at school or college.



All students have the option to study the language in addition to the 120 or 180 credits that form their degree programme each year (a fee may apply); and some students can study a language within their 120/180 credits.

See the Languages for All pages for details of how to get involved and fee waiver eligibility:

You can also find information on how to register for a language module with the Modern Languages Teaching Centre:

Note: if you wish to study a language offered by the School of East Asian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures or the English Language Teaching Centre you will need to contact them directly to register:

Languages for All registration (for public or University staff)

The registration process can be completed online (you don’t need to come and see us in person). This guidance has been produced to help you navigate the process.

What is the pre-registration system?

When you register online you have a number of different tasks to complete. This includes

  • making a payment and/or setting up a payment plan,
  • activating your University computer account,
  • uploading an image for your UCard
  • and completing your registration.

Registration cannot be completed until many of these steps are done - for example, after you’ve made your payment, you need to go back into the pre-registration system to complete the final steps.

Accessing the pre-registration system

To complete this process, you need to have a username and password so you can log in to the pre-registration system.

Your username is sent to you in an email which is generated when your application has been processed and an offer has been made. You may receive two emails, both of these will contain your username.

The first email sent to you will include instructions about how to set up your password. Follow the online steps to create your password which you can then use to log in to pre-registration.

The second email will include a link to allow you to ‘recover’ your password. This link will also work for people who have not already set up their password, so please don’t be confused by the use of the word ‘recover’.

If you didn’t receive, or didn’t act upon, the first email, simply click on the ‘recover’ link and follow the online steps to create your password.

Having problems logging in?

There are various reasons why you may have issues logging in to the pre-registration system, which could differ depending on whether you are a member of the public or you are a University staff member.

For members of the public:

I keep getting error messages

Firstly, check that you are using the right username (you can find this in the email sent to you by the University) and that you are typing your password correctly. Check that the CAPS LOCK button isn’t pressed and make sure you’re not adding any spaces into the password.

If you are still having problems, you could try resetting your password.

I am already studying on a different course at the University

The way the student system works means that for each separate course that you are registered on, you’ll have a different Registration Number. For each Registration Number there is a different username and password. It’s important that you use the correct username and password to access the system.

Still not working - or you don’t have access to a computer?

We can help you through the registration process if the online system isn’t working for you. Contact us on +44 114 222 1288 or at between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm on weekdays. You can also call in to see us during these hours, we are on Level 6 of the Students’ Union Building. (campus map)

For members of University staff:

If you are already a member of staff, it’s likely that you are already logged in to MUSE with your staff username and password. Firstly, log out of all your browsers and open a fresh one, making sure you’re not logged in to MUSE.

I applied using my work email address

If, when applying for your place, you provided your work email address ( you will need to do the following:

  1. Copy the pre-registration link from your email and paste it into the address bar of your browser
  2. You should see a login page asking for your username and password
  3. Copy the username from your email and paste it into the relevant field
  4. Enter the password that you have created

I applied using my personal email address

If you provided a personal email address, you should be able to simply click on the pre-registration link in your email and access the system from there. As noted above, however, make sure you use a fresh browser and are logged out of your staff MUSE account.

In addition to my staff account, I also have another student account

The way the student system works means that for each separate course that you’re registered on, you’ll have a different Registration Number. For each Registration Number there is a different username and password. It’s important that you use the correct username and password to access the system.

Temporary Registration

If you apply after, or very close to, the date when your class begins you might be worried about getting registered in time to start your studies. In particular, if you have a query about your fees or you need a bit more time before you can pay, you might be delaying your registration.

This is why we have the option to register you ‘Temporarily’ so you can get started and sort out your fees later.

You can request temporary registration via the online system or you can contact us directly to discuss your options. It’s far better to do this than to hold off on registering until you are ready to pay.