Extra training in Risk Management

A photo of IDCMC biscuit

We created the top-up award scheme in September 2018 to support our students in their third and fourth years to undertake additional training or attend a conference. The scheme has been well used so far! One of our fourth-year students, Chris, tells us how he used the scheme:

"I was very fortunate to receive extra funding from the IDC top-up award to complete a professional qualification in Quantitative Risk Management, (CQRM). The course was completed over five days at the University of Nottingham, where I learnt about the quantitative methods in industries such as Engineering and Finance to make informed decisions to mitigate risk and take advantage of opportunities. Through the course, I was able to network with a number of like-minded people from different working backgrounds, and was provided with the tools necessary to practice risk management as part of my continued professional development."

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