Journalism, communication and democracy publications
This list includes all publications from the last three years by our academic staff who are researching Journalism, communication and democracy.
For older publications please see the profiles of individual researchers.
- Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era. Oxford University PressOxford.
- Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption. Routledge.
- The Routledge Handbook of Conflict and Peace Communication. Routledge.
Journal articles
- Diagrammatic thinking and audience reading of COVID-19 data visualisations: A UK case study. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
- Introduction, 1-15.
- Data journalism and audience engagement: Introduction to the special issue. Journalism, 25(7), 1449-1459.
- Combating hate speech on social media: applying targeted regulation, developing civil-communicative skills and utilising local evidence-based anti-hate speech interventions. Journalism and Media, 5(2), 467-484. View this article in WRRO
- Peacebuilding and social change through soap opera: the two elements of moral authority of ‘Team Kenya’. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. View this article in WRRO
- The Struggle for News Value in the Digital Era. Journalism and Media, 3, 902-917.
- Confronting COVID-19: constructing and contesting legitimacy through the media in Chinese contexts. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1-11.
- From content to context: A qualitative case study of factors influencing audience perception of the trustworthiness of COVID-19 data visualisations in UK newspaper coverage. Journalism.
- The Independent Press Standards Organisation and accuracy: a comparative study of complaints-handling procedures in four UK newspapers. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies. View this article in WRRO
- The relevance of communicative peacebuilding, The Routledge Handbook of Conflict and Peace Communication (pp. 210-220). Routledge
- The three communicative dimensions of hate speech, The Routledge Handbook of Conflict and Peace Communication (pp. 92-101). Routledge
- Conclusion, Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption (pp. 235-238). Routledge
- Factors influencing audience engagement with COVID-19 data visualisations, Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption (pp. 145-159). Routledge
- Introduction, Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption (pp. 1-15). Taylor & Francis
- Regulating Public Service Broadcasting’s Press-like Content, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 229-254). Oxford University PressOxford
- Regulating Online Newspapers’ Video Content, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 205-228). Oxford University PressOxford
- Holding Online News Websites Liable for User Comments, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 175-204). Oxford University PressOxford
- Search Engines, Online Archives, and the Right to Erasure (‘Right to be Forgotten’), Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 141-174). Oxford University PressOxford
- Regulating the Press for Accuracy and Objectivity, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 111-140). Oxford University PressOxford
- The Notion of Press Freedom Now and Then, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 79-108). Oxford University PressOxford
- The Notion of the Press Now and Then, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 35-78). Oxford University PressOxford
- Divergent Regulation, Convergent Media, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 13-34). Oxford University PressOxford
- Introduction, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 1-10). Oxford University PressOxford
- List of Abbreviations (pp. xxiii-xxiv). Oxford University PressOxford
- Table of Legislation (pp. xvii-xxii). Oxford University PressOxford
- Table of Cases (pp. ix-xvi). Oxford University PressOxford
- All the news that's fit to report? News values and the “free press”, The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship (pp. 399-408). Routledge
- News Journalism as a Civil Norm Builder in Post-Conflict Settings, The Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South (pp. 189-197). Routledge
- Algorithms, Cloud Computing and Journalism, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 29-45). Emerald Publishing Limited
- The News Business in Trouble, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 5-28). Emerald Publishing Limited
- Revisiting the Importance of Data Journalism, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 47-60). Emerald Publishing Limited
- Introduction, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 1-4). Emerald Publishing Limited
- Conclusion: The Transformation of Quality Journalism, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 109-110). Emerald Publishing Limited
- The Rise of Partisan Journalism and the Crisis of Objective Journalism, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 93-107). Emerald Publishing Limited
- Tensions Between Journalism and Politicians, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 75-91). Emerald Publishing Limited
- The Tabloidisation of Journalism as Digital Logic, Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era (pp. 61-74). Emerald Publishing Limited

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