On the 29th March 2023, the Identity and Marginalised Communities research cluster and iHuman held a hybrid symposium on 'Navigating Ethical Landscapes', organised by Dr Antonios Ktenidis.
This symposium was an invitation to think beyond institutional ethics and consider the various ethical landscapes researchers navigate. The presentations covered a lot of ethical ground, including:
NHS ethics
Co-production and participatory ethics
Decolonial ethics
Dynamic ethics
Affective ethics
Feminist ethics.
The programme was as following:
9.00-09.10am: Introductions (Antonios Ktenidis)
09.10-09.40am: The NHS ethics journey (Louise Cooper)
09.40-10.10am Co-production and Disability Research Ethics: Reflections from Living Life to the Fullest and Reimagining TAS with Disabled Young People (Lauren White, Kirsty Liddiard, Dan Goodley)
10.10-10.30am Coffee Break
10.30-11.00am: Beyond ‘do no harm’? On the need for a dynamic approach to research ethics (Ryan Bramley)
11.10-11.30am: Loneliness and Its Thorny Ethics: A Decolonial Approach to Ethics (Manel Lemmouchi)
11.30-11.50am Comfort Break
11.50-12.20pm Dis/Political Love: Reflections and Ongoingness (Martina Smith)
12.20-12.50pm Addressing The Ethical Conundrums of Speaking for Others Through Feminist Ethics: A Cautionary Tale (Antonios Ktenidis)
12.50-13.00pm Final Reflections (Antonios Ktenidis)
Attendees (both online and in person) noted the welcoming and collegial atmosphere of the event, its interdisciplinarity, the attention to issues of access, the thought-provoking presentations, and its 'humane-ness'!