Jiban Karki
Institute for Global Sustainable Development
Research Fellow

Full contact details
Institute for Global Sustainable Development
Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS)
219 Portobello
S1 4DP
- Profile
Jiban is a development professional with over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing development projects in health, education, livelihood improvement and infrastructure development sector in Nepal. He has a Master’s Degree in Rural Development from a UK University and professional degrees in Civil Engineering and Business Management from the Tribhuvan University in Nepal. He is about to complete a PhD Degree in Public Health from the University of Sheffield, UK.
Currently he is the Executive Director of PHASE Nepal, an NGO which he founded and developed it from 6 staff in 2006 to over 180 in 2016. He has experience of fundraising from DFID, BLF, UNHCR, ADA Austria, City of Vienna, DKH Germany, Caritas Austria, Caritas Germany and many other donors for above interventions in Nepal.
Jiban’s research interests are in operational research in Health Systems, Primary Health Care and Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal and elsewhere and wants to build research within the interventions so that the policy makers, the academia and the interventionist benefit together.