Uyi Ezeanah

School of Geography and Planning

Doctoral student in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning


Supervisor: Tom Goodfellow

Current Research: How do formal and informal institutions for delivery and accessing housing influence the quantity and quality of housing in Benin City

Nigeria has great housing shortage. And that housing delivery and control by government over housing construction and development (i.e. planning) has been compromised. Therefore most housing is acquired through a mix of formal and informal mechanisms which impact on cost, quality, location, timing and security. My research seeks to find out what the different systems are, how they relate with each other and how they affect housing experience and quality as well as look at people’s experience of housing in terms of quality of the process as well as the product of the house. The overall aim of my research will seek to analyse how do formal and informal institutions facilitate/constrain the construction/ production of quality housing in Benin City.

Pursuant to this aim, the specific objectives are to:

  • Understand and analyse what quality housing means to people in Benin City
  • Understand people’s experience of housing and whether the housing is quality, to examine what individuals and institutions have shaped residents experiences of accessing and experiencing quality housing in Benin City.
  • Investigate how formal and informal institutions interact in the process of housing provision in Benin City
  • Examine how the mix of institutions and processes constrain and/ or enhance housing delivery and quality in Benin City.

A qualitative approach will be used or engaged in this study while focusing on four neighbourhoods within the city and the peripheral area of Benin City.

My research is supervised by Tom Goodfellow and Paula Meth


MSc Urban and Regional Planning (University of Benin, Nigeria)

MSc (Ed) Social Studies Education (University of Benin, Nigeria)

BSc(Ed) Geography and Regional Planning ((University of Benin, Nigeria)

NCE Nigerian Certificate in Education, Geography/Economics (College of Education Benin, Nigeria)

Research interest

  • Housing studies
  • International/local development
  • Urban studies and planning issues
  • Land use development and planning

Teaching experience

Since 1997 I have been involved in teaching different subjects at different levels of education. I have taught at the primary, secondary schools in Nigeria. My current engagement as a lecturer is with a tertiary institution in Nigeria where I teach various courses such as settlement geography, population geography, statistical techniques and data management, geography of the developed world, regional geography of developing regions amongst others.

Conference presentations/ participations

International conference on sustainable development, University of Ghana business school, university of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, July 2012.

White Rose PGR Postgraduate Planning for impact Conference, May 2015; poster presentation


Ereyimwen, A.A. & Ezeanah, U. (2010) Proper Evaluation, Quality Control and Quality Education- Catalyst for Job Creation. Journal of Teachers Perspective, Vol 5(1), pp 142-147

Ezeanah, U. (2012). The Impact of Industrial Technology on Developing Countries. International Research and Capacity Building (IRCAB) Journal of Social and Management Sciences. Vol 2(2) pp 134-139.


Beyond my studies as a PhD student in the department of Urban Planning and Studies I would like to be fully involved in the planning of my local community in Nigeria with regards to housing delivery, outside of academia I would like to set up an NGO that will help to provide housing for the less privileged children and people in my community in Nigeria and within academia and I want to be engaged in research work both nationally and internationally.