Externally Funded Research Fellowships
Our support for externally funded research fellowships is designed to establish you as a research leader in an ambitious, vibrant and supportive environment.

The University of Sheffield’s Faculty of Science invites applications from ambitious researchers seeking externally funded research fellowships to support their transition to the next stage of their career.
We are home to leading interdisciplinary institutes and centres with world-class research and cutting-edge facilities. We foster collaborative research across disciplines, and knowledge exchange, delivering meaningful impact. Our highly collegiate environment is shaped by an ethos of "science without boundaries" to foster innovative and collaborative research endeavors.
To support fellowship applications, we provide comprehensive guidance and mentorship throughout the application process, supporting applicants at every stage. This ongoing support continues for successful fellows as they build their research careers within our community.
We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all researchers, regardless of their background. Recognising that barriers can disproportionately impact researchers from underrepresented groups, including women and Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) individuals, we actively encourage applications from all qualified candidates, particularly those who have faced additional challenges.
Research areas and application processes
- School of Biosciences
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Development, Regeneration and Neurophysiology
- Molecular Microbiology: Biochemistry to Disease
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Plants, Photosynthesis and Soil
Application process
To apply for an externally funded research fellowship hosted by the School of Biosciences, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Initial contact
The first step is to contact the relevant cluster lead who will guide you and discuss suitable fellowship schemes for your research area and career stage, as well as any eligibility requirements. The cluster lead will help you to identify a mentor from the research cluster and may ask you to provide additional information or invite you to present a seminar.
Step 2: Assign a mentor
Once the cluster lead has helped you to identify a suitable mentor, your mentor will be assigned to support you during the fellowship application and throughout the fellowship if you are successful. They will advise you on how to successfully navigate the application process.
Step 3: Express interest via the Faculty of Science Fellowships pipeline form
After you and your mentor have agreed on the fellowship schemes you would like to apply for, please complete the Faculty of Science Fellowship pipeline form to express your interest in applying.
Step 4: Approval by the BIS Research Executive Board
Your candidature will be discussed by the Research Executive Board which will formally approve your application and will potentially provide further advice about relevant schemes and timelines. However, for some schemes with a duration of 3 years or less (e.g Marie Sokolowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowships) formal approval is not required. Furthermore, the process might differ for schemes with an internal selection process. The cluster lead will provide further advice. Once you have been approved for a particular scheme, you do not need further approvals to apply for other equivalent fellowship schemes.
Step 5: Support by Science Research Support Team
Once you have approved and added to the Faculty of Science Fellowship pipeline form, the Science Research Support Team (rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk) will be in touch to advise you on the support they can provide for costings, internal deadlines, institutional accounts, and internal processes (if any) etc.
Fellowships Lead Prof Jurriaan Ton Research Clusters Cluster Lead Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dr Nicola Nadeau Development, Regeneration and Neurophysiology Dr Emily Noël Molecular Microbiology: Biochemistry to Disease Dr Rob Fagan Molecular and Cellular Biology Prof David Strutt Plants, Photosynthesis and Soil Prof Katie Field For any informal enquiries or if you are unsure whom to contact, please email the Science Research Support Team: rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk, indicating your area of research.
- School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Application process
To apply for an externally funded research fellowship hosted by the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Initial contact
Reach out to (or be contacted by) a MPS member of staff (the “initial contact”).
Step 2: Notification
The initial contact will notify their research cluster lead and the MPS fellowships lead.
Step 3: Approval
If the fellowship is listed on the Faculty Fellowships Policy 2024 as being eligible to a proleptic lectureship appointment (or higher), the initial contact will seek approval to proceed from the School Director of Research and Innovation (SDRI).
Step 4: Mentor
The initial contact will normally serve as the applicant’s designated mentor throughout the application process. Otherwise, the cluster lead will coordinate a discussion within the cluster to assign a mentor.
Step 5: Fellowship form
The mentor will complete the Faculty of Science Fellowship pipeline form indicating their name and the selected Fellowship schemes. You will be added to the Faculty fellowships pipeline.
Step 6: Support by the Science Research Support Team
The Science Research Support Team (rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk) will get in touch to advise you on what support they can provide in terms of costings, internal deadlines, institutional accounts, and internal processes (if any) etc.
Fellowships Lead Prof Andrea Brini Research Clusters Cluster Lead Pure Mathematics Dr Cristina Manolache Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Dr Sam Dolan Mathematical and Statistical Modelling Prof Jonathan Potts Astrophysics Prof Vikram Dhillon Semiconductor Photonics and Quantum Technologies Prof Mark Fox Particle and Astroparticle Physics Prof Davide Costanzo Materials and Biological Physics Prof Jenny Clark Chemical Biology Dr David Williams Light-Matter Interactions Prof Julia Weinstein Materials Chemistry Prof Rob Short For any informal enquiries or if you are unsure whom to contact, please email the Science Research Support Team: rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk, indicating your area of research.
- School of Psychology
Application process
To apply for an externally funded research fellowship hosted by the School of Psychology, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Initial contact
Contact the Fellowships lead, Jason Berwick, in the first instance for advice on who is best suited within the school to be your mentor.
Step 2: Assign a mentor
Contact the suggested mentor to discuss the potential fellowship schemes you are eligible to apply for, any timelines and school processes. Once you have been in contact, your mentor will be assigned.
Step 3: Approval
Your candidature will be discussed by the research cluster and SDRI to confirm your application. Any support for the fellowship application must be agreed by the Head of School and where relevant the Faculty Director of Research and Innovation.
Step 4: Google form
Once you are approved to apply, complete the Faculty of Science Fellowships pipeline form to be added to the fellowships pipeline.
Step 6: Support by the Science Research Support Team
The Science Research Support Team (rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk) will be in touch to advise you on what support they can provide in terms of costings, internal deadlines, institutional accounts, and internal processes (if any) etc.
Fellowships Lead Dr Jason Berwick Research Clusters Cluster Lead Wellbeing of Individuals and Society Prof Ian Kellar Cognitive and Neural Processes Across the Lifespan Dr Claudia Von Bastien For any informal enquiries or if you are unsure whom to contact, please email the Science Research Support Team: rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk, indicating your area of research.
Application and support information
- Faculty support for fellowship applications and successful fellows
During the fellowship application process and following the award of a fellowship, the Faculty of Science provides the following support:
All applicants and successful fellows will have a dedicated mentor to guide them through the application process and their career.
Career training and professional development
The University offers a comprehensive training and career progression package to support wider professional development.
College of Fellows
Successful fellows can join our College of Fellows, an independent body that provides a collective voice and fosters a supportive community for fellows.
Provision of PhD studentship for selected fellowships
For selected externally funded research independent fellowships, the Faculty of Science will consider the provision of a PhD studentship to support and expand the fellow’s research portfolio. This includes a standard 3.5-year home-fees studentship with a stipend linked to Research Council rates, plus an annual Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) of £1,500 to facilitate student development.
Progression to open-ended lectureship contract for selected fellowships
For selected externally funded independent fellowships, the Faculty of Science will discuss the potential to progress to an open-ended lectureship contract subject to satisfactory performance. This is subject to agreement by the host Head of School and the Faculty of Science Director of Research and Innovation prior to the fellowship application.
Progression to an open ended contract depends on satisfactory performance. At the start of the fellowship, the relevant Head of School will clearly outline the expectations for transitioning to a lectureship.
Externally funded fellowship schemes
- Current externally funded schemes
Scheme Funder Duration Funding Limit on the number of applications & selection processes BA international British Academy 2 years Staff costs for the Fellow at 80 % FEC, research expenses of up to £12,000 and relocation costs of up to £8,000. No BBSRC Fellowships BBSRC 3 years No limit on the value of the grant. BBSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. Yes, max 6 candidates. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further details about the internal selection processes. British Heart Foundation Fellowships British Heart Foundation 3-5 years Various options, see the webpages. No Cancer Research CDA Cancer Research UK 6 years Typically up to £1.5m (including salaries, running expenses and equipment for you and up to two posts) No Daphne Jackson fellowship Daphne Jackson Foundation 24 months part-time Various options, see the webpages. No EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships EMBO 2 years Award covers employment contract costs, see rates. No EPSRC Open and Open plus EPSRC 5 years No limit of the value of the award. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. Currently paused until further notice. EPSRC Postdoctoral EPSRC 3 years No limit of the value of the award. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. Currently paused until further notice. EPSRC quantum technologies career acceleration fellowships EPSRC 5 years No limit of the value of the award. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. No EPSRC Mathematical sciences open and open plus fellowship EPSRC 5 years There is no limit on the value of the grant.
EPSRC will fund 80% full economic cost (FEC).
No ERC Advanced EU Horizon Europe 5 years Advanced Grants may be awarded up to €2.5 million for five years + €1M additional funding for equipment major facilities, and major fieldwork No ERC Consolidator EU Horizon Europe 5 years Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years. (pro rata for projects of shorter duration).+ €1M additional funding for equipment major facilities, and major fieldwork No ERC Starter EU Horizon Europe 5 years Starting Grants may be awarded up to € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years. (pro rata for projects of shorter duration). €1M additional funding for equipment major facilities, and major fieldwork No Ernest Rutherford Fellowship STFC 5 years No limit of the value of the award. STFC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. No ESRC postdoctoral fellowships ESRC 1 year full-time, or up to 2 years part-time. Depending on the DTP provision Yes, contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further details about the internal selection processes. Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship Leverhulme Trust 3 years Leverhulme Trust contributes 50% of the Fellow’s total salary costs up to a maximum of £28,000 in each year of the award. The balance is to be contributed by the host university. The Fellow may request up to £6,000 per annum in research expenses Yes, max 6 candidates. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes. MRC Career Development Fellowship MRC 5 years There is no limit on the amount of funding. Funding includes your salary and project costs for up to five years (pro-rata for part-time fellowships). MRC funds 80% of the full economic cost. No MSCA Postdoc Fellowship EU Horizon Europe 2 years Fixed rates No NERC IRF NERC 5 years Fellows salary and research expenses at 80%(FEC) No Newton International Fellowships Royal Society 2 years £280,000 over two years.
basic salary as set by the host institution and associated on-costs
research expenses
relocation and visa
No NIHR Fellowship NIHR various See webpages for each type No Philip Leverhulme Awards Leverhulme 3 years £100,000 3 per subject area Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships RAoEng 3 years Green Future Fellowships, up to £3 million and support over ten years to develop their ground-breaking initiatives Yes, contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes. Royal Commission 1851 Royal Commission 1851 3 years Staff costs for the Fellow and 10,000 for research expenses No Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Royal Society 8 years £1.87Million, covers Fellows salary at 80%, research expenses (travel, consumables and other), PhD students No Royal Society URF Royal Society 8 years £1.87Million, covers Fellows salary at 80%, research expenses (travel, consumables and other), PhD students and overheads at 80% No RS Career Development Fellowship (CDF Royal Society 4 years £690,000. Covers fellows salary at 80% , research expenses, relocation and training No RS Faraday Discovery Fellowships Royal Society 10 years Up to 8 Million. Covers costs for salary, research collaborators, research expenses, PhD students and overheads Yes, 2 stage application. Requires support by the Vice Chancellor for Research The Academy of Medical Sciences - Springboard AMS 2 years £125,000 over two years and access to the Academy’s acclaimed mentoring and career development programme Yes, limit on number of applications. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes. UKRI Future Leader Fellowship UKRI 4+3 years No Limit on the requested funds, requires commitment by the UoS Yes, max 2 candidates for Faculty of Science. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes. Wellcome trust Career Development Award Wellcome Trust 8 years No limit, covers fellow salary, 4 full staff, professional training, research expenses, equipment, access charges, research expenses, do not cover overheads. No. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes. Wellcome trust Early Career Award Wellcome Trust 5 years Award provides a salary for the grant holder and up to £400,000 for research expenses. No. Contact rs-science@sheffield.ac.uk for further information about the internal selection processes.